Monday 11 March 2024

Such a happy photograph


This the latest photo of Princess of Wales, Catherine, since the announcement of her hospital stay. I do follow the Royal Family, so I'm delighted to see her looking well and smiling.

All three children are beautiful as is she. Growing up fast and always looking very royal, although I think we were all amused by Louis's antics at the late Queen's parade. He was obviously bored and caused his family quite a lot of discomfort being very much a bored little boy!

So I am very pleased, as many will be, to see that this photo that has been released, taken it seems by William. They are indeed a lovely family.

Even if you're not a Royalist, you can't deny this is a super photograph!



  1. It is indeed a super photograph, but Associated Press have requested that it be removed from all platforms because it appears that the source has manipulated the image. They say that there is something not right with Kates left hand.

  2. Yes, it's a lovely photo, shame there's now such a load of controversy about it possibly being altered. Who doesn't do that nowadays? And who cares anyway, it's still a lovely happy photo. The media once again stirring things up, for the sake of selling more papers.


  3. It is a lovely family photo of them. They seem very happy.

  4. Now they reckon its been enhanced/altered/ changed and is not a recent photo at all.

    We soon won't be able to believe anything we see! Or perhaps we already shouldn't

  5. Whether it has been altered in any way it is still a lovely photo of the young family. I love how they are usually in charge of all photos of their young children put onto social media on their own Instagram page. Catherine gets some lovely shots of the children. Perhaps she just enhanced something herself because it was William that took this one and she wasn't completely satisfied with it, who knows.


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