Monday 11 March 2024

PS:Re happy photo

 I had prepared this post last night, so the whoo-ha about the photo hadn't arisen. Has it been photo shopped? Evidently to the experts it has.

But I would ask not that has it been altered, but why did the family feel the need to publish a photo of the princess and the children ? Perhaps to quash the many rumours hitting the headlines, from Kate..... is more ill than it has been published to she and William have split up!

Personally I think they just wanted to show that Kate is ok and recovering slowly from her operation.

As a mother of a son who had extensive surgery for Crohns disease. To me Kate's very slim figure hinted at more than just diet and exercise. An illness like that  would necessitate surgery.. but for what ever reason why Kate needed surgery it is her own business. Just hope it wasn't serious and all is well with her now.

I'm sad that the Royals felt the need to alter the photograph, but perhaps it was just to have all three children smiling, eyes open and looking straight at the camera. 

I did wonder about the tree behind them, because it is in leaf and none of our trees are.. was the picture trans posed on to the outside view?

    As long as the Princess is well and recovering, I for one love to see them as a family smiling and happy and wish them all good wishes and a happy life.



  1. Yes, exactly this. No matter what, it is a lovely photo and it would seem that people are just out to make controversy wherever they can.

  2. It has to be so tiring to have people following your every move, trying to take photos and speculating on your life.
    I think they are a beautiful family.

  3. Kate has admitted that she did alter the photo, and has apologised for it. The Royal Family needs to be squeaky clean. Any deviation from that will bring about a ton of suspicions about their integrity and authenticity. Lovely photo by the way.

  4. Quite agree with you. It is their business and no one else's.

  5. It's been very strange all the fuss about the photo. And if I'd had a hysterectomy or whatever I'd want some privacy too. That said, I am curious as well!

  6. I sometimes wonder how journalists can justify their salaries.

  7. Canada is part of the Commonwealth. However, I have no interest in the Royal family. I don’t speak ill of them, I just don’t see the monarchy as relevant today, though I wish Kate well!

  8. Hello Chris. I don't keep up with the royals, but thought the pic was a nice one of Kate with her children. All the best to you, d

  9. I think she photoshopped that tree in from a prior photograph. It’s easily done.


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