Saturday 3 February 2024

Its not our holiday, thank goodness!

 We were off to SW this morning before my eyes were really open, in what I call 'air rain' You can't see it but it wets you! Such a grey day, misty and miserable.

On days like these I always say to Dh, here we are in the rain in a pretty seaside town and the blessing is we are not on holiday!
We used to come here in past years and stay for a week, so I could put flowers on the graves. It was the Sunday before Easter called here, in this part of Wales, 'Flowering Sunday,' my mother's, my Grandparent's and two Aunt's, every year.
We had what we called 'car picnics' because often or not. it was pouring with rain. Nell loved them, because she had all the scraps and crumbs. 
The cake shop used to sell these huge cream puffs, which were heavenly light melt in your mouth choux pastry and cream, dusted with icing sugar, which spilled down the front of you. Gosh those were the days, when I could eat anything!
And  today is like one of those misty, cold days, but hey, its ok.. its not our holiday and we're now at home with our radiators belting out heat.
In 26 days it will be Spring, daffodils, tulips and cherry blossom; the grass will be fresh and greener and the sun warmer, yeh!

It may be drier and sunnier tomorrow! What do you think?



  1. 'It's not our holiday' is a good way to look at the weather - I must remember that.
    The cream puff looks delicious.

  2. I like it too - nice and positive. Thanks. xx

  3. I hope so! I remember my first cream puff. mmm.

  4. Hi Chris, I'm so glad you came by my blog and left a comment. I'm ashamed to admit I'd forgotten all about your blog (blame it on old age), but I'm here and I will definitely be coming by to see what's happening in your part of the world. Here on the coast ( B.C. Canada) we have a lot of those misty wet days too. And yes, those 10 weeks tend to be our darkest, wettest weeks as well.
    I hope February brings you nothing but lovely things, Granny M.

  5. That cream puff looks amazing! Gosh! I haven't had one in ages.
    I'm wishing you a warm spring soon. It wasn't spring until April when we lived in Chicago.
    Thank you for your visit, Chris. It's nice to meet you.

  6. Hi Chris! Last Fall we went on a vacation to a town on Lake Michigan and it rained every day. :) We still enjoyed ourselves but some sunshine would have been nice.
    That cream puff looks wonderful!

  7. Love the expression 'air rain'
    By your calculation, that makes Spring starting on 1st March. Thank you Chris. My birthday is on the 4th and I always say I am an early Spring baby, despite being teased by my family about it still being Winter until the 21st x.

  8. I like your positive outlook on life, Chris. :) And now, I'm craving a cream puff!


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