Sunday 4 February 2024

A Raffle Prize.


I don't know what your day has been like, but we've had rain for most of the day. Dh and I have sat and chatted all afternoon. How we lacked so much as children, both being post war. There wasn't the fruit you can have today unless it was grown in this country. We ate a lot of apples! We had veg that was grown either in your own garden or like my grandfather in the allotment. 

We had won the Slimming World raffle, it was all the ingredients for vegetable chow mein. So the some of the contents of the Slimming World raffle prize were unheard of when we were young. Bean shoots and Sugar snap peas, soya sauce and noodles, years ago I'd have said, noodles? What are they?

Dh marinated some chicken to go with it and added mushrooms, fresh ginger and rice wine vinegar. He makes a very good stir fry as you can see from the very used wok.

And we had a very generous plate full each. 

A really good SW meal prepared by Dh and cooked perfectly. And it was tasty and I really appreciated all the effort Dh made, but truthfully I'd have preferred Cottage Pie, but I didn't say.

I might say again that its not really to my 'taste.' But a very good win.
Have you ever won a raffle prize?



  1. My friend and her OH went to SW together. Everyone had to contribute a piece of fruit to the basket, which went to whoever had lost most weight that week. The weight was falling off him. Whenever I called round, there was a huge basket of fruit on the table. "Oh do take some home - my kids won't eat fruit, and we can only manage so much" she'd say. In the end they reached their target and stopped going. I'm. Not sure the weight stayed off though...

  2. I love a stir fry - yours looks delicious, and very very rarely win a prize in a raffle or tombola

  3. I seem to get quite lucky with raffles at Slimming World although occasionally I say 'draw again' because I wouldn't use the prize. I always buy tickets though because it supports other things like the refreshments each week. I would have appreciated that particular prize, for sure. xx

  4. Everything is available all year round now, in the First World, anyway. Your meal sounds delicious, though my first choice is for plain dishes. However, my husband is a creative cook so we eat and enjoy things I would never attempt.

  5. Your meal looks very tasty and you’re lucky somebody cooks for you!
    I love Cottage pie!

  6. The stir fry looks delicious. I wonder if Cottage Pie is the same as Shepherd's Pie, which I used to make on the day after we had roast. I would combine the leftover meat, gravy and veg then top the dish with mashed potatoes and bake it. The children were not fond of it.

  7. The meal your husband prepared looks delicious! I like both stir fried noodles and cottage pies! :)


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