Tuesday 20 February 2024

Found on a beach.

 Well who would have believed it, 2 nude forms on the beach, bit too cold for me! Some people are so creative and have a great sense of fun! I think very artistic too, so clever. I love her bum, so rounded and firm looking!

But then this was washed up onto the beach today, a large cuttle fish. You can sense its size by the footstep in the sand beside it. For regular beach walkers they've said, it is one of the largest seen for years. This was on Sandy beach, a very popular beach in the summer months.

And these were found on Rest Bay beach, where there is the  Surf School. Even in the winter surfers can be seen using the waves. 

These were suggested to be small ray fish. looks scary to me!

Along the coast at Newton Beach, there are sometimes found washed up sheep and even cows. Brought round the coast by the currents from Southern Down or Ogmore. The sheep roam free across the sand downs and when they fall into the Ogmore river, the current is much too strong, so they're carried out to sea and drowned. 
The council are requested to remove them from the beaches, but they are very slow, so you can imagine the stink if left!
Rubbish on the beach is  collected by volunteers all year round on a Sunday morning. A lot of the rubbish is brought in on the tide, plastic being the greatest waste collected.

Families join in the 'Beach Clean' such a great bunch of people. 

And here is a patient man fishing off the beach. Fish could be bass, mackerel, pollack, mullet and even conger.

And at the end of each day, there is this for the promise of a sunny day tomorrow.



  1. What a glorious sunset, and what extraordinary things you find on your beach!

  2. A much more interesting beach than the one you were close to in Suffolk!
    That cuttle fish is massive - I had no idea they were so big

  3. Oh I did laugh at those nude figures - especially the man, anatomically correct (if a bit on the large side!!). How creative!

  4. The sea gives up its treasures, though not all are welcome!

  5. What an amazing sunset, almost tropical,

  6. That was a fun walk on the beach! Those nudes made me laugh!

  7. I cannot imagine coming upon a washed up sheep or cow on the beach!?! That would be too much for me, I'm afraid. But that couple on the beach - cute and yes very creative!:)

  8. Funny stone "nudes". Some folks have so much imagination not to mention time to create strange things! Beautiful sunset. I hope tomorrow is a lovely day for you 💗💗

  9. Oh, those "nudes" on the beach are so funny and creative! That is one enormous cuttlefish! How sad to find sheep and cows washed up on the shore! Lovely sunset, though!


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