Wednesday 21 February 2024

A very Pleasant Tuesday Afternoon.

 We went off to our choir practice yesterday afternoon in bright sunshine, I wasn't really looking forward to it because I was tired after a sleepless night, well not so much a sleepless night but I could not get to sleep till gone 2:30 am,  but I made the effort and went.

After as little as 10 minutes I was glad I'd gone. Getting your mouth around the words of 'Doobi doobi, doobi, doobi, doobi, doobi doobi' repeated several times at speed, had me buck up and singing along with gusto, the Rhythm of Life!

Singing in harmony does produce a lovely sound, and we were practising to sing at an Old Peoples home on Friday. There was loud laughter when our Musical Director asked for more sound and smiles, to ensure that our audience didn't fall asleep! There are cups of tea and biscuits and a chat after the session. We chatted to another husband and wife and that was nice, we're gradually getting to know people, which hasn't been easy since moving here.

We came home with our endorphins at a high level and smiling.

So we had a walk around our garden before we came into the house, checking our rhubarb, 2 good clumps that Dh has covered to encourage growth.. there were buds on our grape vine, and daffodils are flowering in abundance as well as the crocus we planted in the front lawn, so we were pleased. These delicate looking daffodils are my favourite and I keep them safe over the summer and plant them again in the Autumn.

But these are left in the ground all year round and so far are popping up each spring, they brighten up our odd shaped front garden.

And we're very proud of these crocus planted in the grass, which is very weeded, but they give people who walk pass something to look at.

We still have the back garden to tidy up after the winter and we will once the weather warms a bit more. How is yours?


  1. SInging is wonderful for lifting the spirits, isn't it? xx

  2. Our garden is very soggy and there's an awful lot out there to be done. The arches need to be replaced or refurbished, the pond should be tidied, or the area around it, anyway. Still no frogs - we used to have hundreds and then about four years ago they just disappeared. We see one now and then, but we have still got newts.

  3. Sounds like a very nice day!
    I'm enjoying your signs of Spring@

  4. The choir sounds wonderful. I have always enjoyed singing but could never dream of my husband joining a choir with me. He really can’t “carry a tune in a bucket.” He would be as in the old days when we were told to “mouth the words” in a school choir which included everyone.

    It is hard when we don’t get much sleep. I find a nap overtakes me the next day and I give in to it.

    Hope you have a great day!

  5. I always enjoyed being a part of a choir. When I was in high school choir, I always was placed in 2nd soprano. On my own, in church choirs, I always sang alto. I love to sing harmony.

    Your garden is very pretty. I'm partial to daffodils.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. I love all your spring bulbs showing through. I'd never have thought to plant in the lawn but have a big bunch of snowdrops that come up where there was once a fence that's been removed.
    you sound like you had a great day out :)

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed your singing! It's a lovely thing to do as a couple, I think. Your garden is looking lovely, too, with the flowers in bloom. :)


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