Wednesday 31 August 2016

Keeping me happy and busy

A jigsaw, it's a French river era scene and 1000 pieces and is so difficult.  But it is something I can do with only one working arm, and very enjoyable.
Different coloured houses with shutters on a hill over looking the sea. We have completed more than this, but it isn't finished yet, as we have had a week away in beautiful Southwold again.

We had such a lovely time, sunshiny happiness  every day. It was relaxing, I walked, one day 1.2 miles, we ate tasty food, crab was my favourite, I slept well and was woken by the gulls each morning. A perfect summer seaside holiday, our forth this last year!

We will carry on with our jigsaw and I am going to ask for a 1000 piece one for my birthday; I hadn't ever thought of that before. Do any of you complete jigsaws?


  1. Good for you Chris! :) Have not done a puzzle in years. We did a big one as a family. The White House.

  2. I love jigsaws! We have a foldaway jigsaw holder under the sofa so we can just do bits at a time without taking up the dining table.
    Glad to hear you had a lovely trip.

  3. I haven't done a jigsaw since my youngest was about 10, we bought a big one to do together and it was enjoyable.

    Glad you had a good holiday

  4. I love the ocean!! I used to do puzzles but haven't for years. Once my husband bought me one that had no border and was a picture of a bunch of flying pigs - it was hard! I saw pigs when I closed my eyes lol

  5. I used to love jig saws but haven't done one for years. Best of luck with it.

  6. I love to do jigsaw puzzles. I have about 70 that are glued and hanging in the garage.


  7. So glad you had a nice, relaxing holiday, Chris!
    Most Christmases our family buys a 1000 piece puzzle to have available to work on while our out-of-town family is visiting. It's lots of fun to get people away from the screens and working on a project together!

  8. I enjoy doing the wasgij puzzles where the picture in the box is a clue to the puzzle rather than the completed piece. This one you're doing looks lovely. Wonderful to hear you had a nice holiday, sounds idyllic.

  9. Glad to read you had a nice break in Southwold. There is something so relaxing and frustrating about jigsaws at the same time. My youngest niece is into jigsaws and she has got me interested again.

  10. Hi Chris, I am glad you enjoyed your break away, sounds idyllic. I love to do jigsaws when I have the time, we usually have one on the go over the Christmas holiday period. x

  11. I think I'm too impatient to do jigsaws but I do admire people who do have the patience! This one will be lovely when finished. Will you frame it and hang it? Each week when I'm tutoring at the library, I see people working on the puzzle of the week...anyone can have a go at it. Maybe I should take the time to try to fit a few pieces into it. Hope you are well, Chris! I was over in Wales and in Yorkshire this summer, but not down in London or the south. I had a wonderful time visiting friends and seeing the sights!


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