Sunday 14 August 2016

At last a finish!!

I don't think I have ever been so long knitting a pair of socks, but at last I've finished these. A slightly longer leg part as they are for my cousin who wears wellies,  when she walks her friend's dog across the fields.
Now to do some crocheting, which is easier with my arm.
Arm news? It's more or less the same I haven't got an appointment to see the surgeon till the end of September, so I just have to wait and see. My patience is running out and although people show sympathy, no one really knows what it is like for me.
I can be a miserable old cow some days, thank God I have such a lovely DH
Happy Days!!


  1. It's so frustrating that they keep you waiting so long. At least you can knit these lovely socks.

  2. I know your cousin is going to be thrilled to receive those adorable new socks. I used to knit but I never tried socks. Well, I guess we can mark that off my list. hehe. Have a great week.

  3. Congratulations on a great finish, that can't have been easy with your arm. Its a struggle when someone can't see your ailment and pain to empathise. Hope something can be done to ease your situation in September. Take care.

  4. Oh my! I hate knitting in the round so congratulations on doing those gorgeous coloured socks.

    Hope your arm improves soon it must be awful for you. Take care.

  5. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you and my imagingings are that it is horrendous so I think that the fact that you are grumpy is totally understandable! Enjoy your crocheting in the meantime and I hope that the appointment goes well! xx

  6. Great pair of socks for your cousin Chris :)

  7. What a wonderful gift. Made all the more special because of how hard you worked at them Chris.
    I am sorry you continue to suffer. Although I do not have your problem, I do understand. I have not had one day without this horrid headache for over 5 months now, and life just keeps rolling on, doesn't it? puh.

  8. So sorry to hear that they keep your waiting and waiting. It must be so frustrating.
    Good that you can knit. These socks look absolutely great.


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