Friday 4 May 2012

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Quilt

I have really enjoyed sewing this.. I am getting better each time I attempt a new quilt. My quarter inch seams are more accurate, and although you can't see very well I have sewn a top stitch in a zig zag pattern on the colourful part.
I planned how I was going to set out the strips and the caterpillars myself. So you could say its my own design!

And I have even sewn a label on to it. I am delighted with it..

So I hope my DH's grand daughter will like it too. It's for her first birthday, where has that year gone??
I think I have the quilting bug, its very rewarding and this is the first quilt I have made to give away!

Happy Days for what ever you're doing.
Chris xx


  1. I love the hungry caterpillar and I love your quilt x

  2. A beautiful and fun quilt
    The colors are so cheerful
    great job!

  3. It's adorable and she will grow with it for a long time. I'm sure she'll love the colours!

  4. Chris you did a good job on this. It's very very cute and I'm sure your granddaughter will love and cherish it when she get's older too. Laurel

  5. What a terrific quilt, and perfect for a little girl - well done!

  6. Chris, that is the most beautiful gift, if she doesn't love it i know of a little lady who will be one this month who would absolutely adore it lol.
    Enjoy the bank hol weekend whatever your plans. X

  7. Chris, your quilt is warm and colorful, just in time for summer.. Congratulations on the quilting bug.

  8. Oh Chris that is perfect, Martha loves the very hungry caterpillar too, such a lovely story xx

  9. Lovely quilt and the fabric is just right for a little person. I'm sure she will love it and the story is such a classic.

  10. well done Chris. beautiful. all your quilts you have made are really pretty and good job....

  11. Hi Chris, what a wonderful design you created, absolutely beautiful.
    Carol xx

  12. well done on the quilt its beautiful


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