Thursday 10 May 2012

May Wipocalyse.. a late post.

My 'Summer' Celtic Lady is looking good and I can see a finish in the next few months.

The fabric is a dream to stitch, from Polstitches and it is so soft. Lots of beads to sew on but I think I have  nearly finished the actual stitching..

Rosewood Manor, 'Quaker and Quilts' is moving along too, although I must stitch the last 'quilt' piece by the end of May,  if I am to finish this by the end of the year.
I do like stitching this as it has definite sections so shows it growing.

However this Chatelaine Convents Herbal Garden is my nightmare!

Although it has all been enlarged because it was so small (an echart) some of the numbers which are beads are blurred. This small bit I stitched in April has been frogged and frogged, to the extent at one point I was going to throw it, as I stitched a whole section only to find when I peered at it in day light with a magnifying glass, it wasn't the stitch symbol  I thought it was but #4!!
I am sure it will be wonderful when it is finished eventually,  but it will be in my wips for a long, long time..

Apart from my stitching I did a lot of patchwork and quilting as well in April.  'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' quilt was a great success. And DH's family were very pleased with it and very complimentary.  And from that I have been asked to make other quilts! I have a couple and a bag on the go and love sewing it all. I now have an extensive stash of fabrics as well as cross stitch stuff..the colours and designs of fabrics are all so lovely I can't resist. Where  I go for my quilting work shop is an Aladdin's cave, of fabrics and wools.. just bliss to look round!

Happy Stitching and hope you're in the dry, where is all this rain coming from? I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see frogs in my garden any day now!!LOL

Chris xx


  1. Gorgeous projects! I love the linen you chose for Summer Celtic. So pretty!

  2. Summer Celtic Lady is so beautiful!!! Love the colours :)

    I'm a new follower - can't wait to see more!!!


  3. I've been "watching" you do this piece for a while now and it is SO beautiful. Do you have an idea of what you'll do with it when it's done?

  4. Your Celtic lady is gorgeous! I am also stitching Convents, but I'm not beading as I go. Perhaps I should?? I did look at the bead chart and it looked pretty scary (difficult to tell what was what!). I wonder if I could have my hubby work some magic with the PDF...hmmmm....

  5. Beautiful stitching on the Celtic lady, Chris! Sorry to hear about your troubles with Convents. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Your WIPs are all gorgeous! I hope you manage with Convent without too much aggravation.

  7. Lovely progress on your wips. Celtic Lady is coming along great and looks gorgeous.

  8. Great progress on all your pieces.


  9. Celtic lady is looking super Chris.
    I admire you taking on a Chatelaine, i did a small one only the once!

  10. Celtic lady looks amazing and I can't believe the quilt squares are stitched! They look like fabric! about the Chatelaine, what program are you using to enlarge? I enlarge mine in adobe reader and it usually comes out really clearly.

  11. Your Celtic lady is looking good, the fabric looks a really pretty colour. You are making great progress on your other two WIPs.

  12. Lovely stitching update.

  13. Just stunning, I love that design.
    Such neat stitching.
    Carol xx

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