Monday 8 August 2011

Summer Exchange

Clare on Needlework Haven forum had the idea for a summer exchange. The idea was that you sent a free chart with the all materials to your partner. The design had to be stitched while you were on holiday or perhaps stitched in your garden at home.

This what arrived for me from my secret partner.

Opened up, this is what was inside that pretty little bag.
Strawberries design and to be made into a biscornu.

The conditions of the exchange was that you had to provide a pic of you stitching it on holiday.
So this is me squinting into the camera on our one very sunny afternnoon in Skipton.

And here it is finished. I sewed it up at home as I stitched it all in Skipton, well else do you do when it rains??

A great idea Clare...Hope you all have some happy stitching days on your holiday and in the sunshine!


  1. Oh, that is a great idea, and I love the result too! Such pretty colors in the design! Thank you for commenting on my blog -- I so appreciate it! I've enjoyed browsing through yours!

  2. What a lovely exchange idea. Your biscornu turned out gorgeous.

  3. What a fun exchange idea! Your piece turned out lovely!

  4. A great idea and a lovely finish.

  5. Love the biscornu Chris, isn't that a lovely idea for an exchange....x

  6. Awww, great finish on the biscornu, Chris. It's lovely.

  7. Hate to show my ignorance, but then, I'm not a stitcher. What is a biscornu...can't even figure it out by looking at the photo. :(

  8. Lovely finish Chris and a great picture of you too xx

  9. What a cute idea! And a lovely finish, well done!

  10. What a great exchange! Fun fun fun.

  11. A lovely exchange gift to stitch and you have finished it so beautifully

    Well done on starting the chatelaine and also making time for the UFO

  12. How fun! I have never heard the term biscornu before?

  13. What a pretty little biscornu! Congratulations on the finish. That was a great idea for an exchange.

  14. Lol - Chris - I stitched tha same biscornu as a Seasonal exchange and will be posting it to my blog soon. It was a great fun stitch wasn't it.


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