Saturday 13 August 2011

My first love......

..... well after my DH and Nell and even stitching.. is gardening!!
Here, where the garden has been sadly neglected in the four years when the house was leased, it is begining to take shape... but in spite of starting late in the summer I have been able to plant a small veg patch.

The beans are making good progress and we are looking forward to eating them with our own potatoes which we have grown in potato bags.. I have never done this before so it will be interesting to see how many we get. If you ever watched Alys Fowler  in the Edible Garden, when she tipped out the pot of potatoes she had grown and there were only a few... you'll remember her saying' I am a bit disappointed' We hope that won't be us!
The tomatoes are wow! I just grew some old seeds, in my propagator. I didn't even look to see what they were. So when we were travelling back and fro from Coventry to here, the seedlings came with us, so it's amazing they survived.
I decided to plant them outside, because we had already booked weeks away and I knew they wouldn't survive in the green house.. I grew pounds and pounds on the allotment in Coventry  so I was  confident they would survive here. (Well I hoped!!)

Courgettes are growing so are the squash. I shall leave a few to grow big to have stuffed marrow, one of our favourite meals.
My herbs are doing well too, just look at my parsley. I also have corriander, mint, chives and today I bought thyme and sage...I still have to plant those.

And behind the beans you can just see my carrtots in pots, the one is in my chimney. Up 60cms off the ground as carrot flies can't fly that high!!

Still lots to do but I am very proud of this small patch as it wasn't planted till the middle of June, because we were so busy trying to get 'box free' in the house. Still loads to do, but we are enjoying living here, in fact I can honestly say we are extremely happy here. It is a lovely home.
We have damsons galore from my little tree bought six years ago from 'Woolies'...and with the rain in June they have grown bigger and are so sweet to eat. For our 5th Wedding anniversary 29th July, we bought ourselves a victoria plum and a bramley cooking apple tree. So we are looking forward to pies next year!
Hope you too are as blessed as us with a garden to brighten your days.
This weighs 13.4 ozs!! Nearly a pound, just a few marks but smells wonderful, we are having it tonight for our sunday tea with ham salad!



  1. Wow you have done so much in such a very short time. It's all looking great - hope you enjoy it.

  2. It looks great. You have done so much in such a short time. I have put some new potatoes in a tub, fingers crossed.

  3. Great work Chris - it will soon take shape - enjoy the tomato :)

  4. That tomato does look yummy. I love to put tomato slices on mayonaise and bread and that's actually what I had for supper last night. Potatoes growing in a bag is a new one for me but can't wait to see them :)garden patch looking luscious!

  5. Oh, I love your veggie garden!!! How was the tomato? :D

  6. Nothing like homegrown veggies and fruit, your new patch looks lovely


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