Friday 28 May 2010

Stitching 'n Sewing

I have been stitching my lovely 'Golden Gate Houses.' I have started a second house although there is all the back stitching still to do on the completed one, I love the fence and all of it! I so love stitching this I have problems doing anything else, but  I have had to put it to one side as I have my next Round Robin to do for Stitch and Stash . Six of us taking part in this and this is my third one. I can say this about this one, as the person it is for doesn't blog, because I am not enjoying it at all.
It is a very loose even weave with funny little half stitches,  a Margaret Sherry Design, so if anyone has stitched one of these designs you'll know what  I mean
It never occured to me that I may not like what it is I had to stitch, as I love cross stitch and all sorts of designs. So I am stitching it every evening to get it completed and I can get it ready to post on to the next person.
I had also ordered a whole lots of turquiose and blues threads to start the Grand Marquoir as Julie's in all different colours looks gorgeous.
As well as this I have actually got myself organised to start a patchwork quilt. I have found a super quilting forum with lots of hints and tips and one was how to stitch HST  ( Half square triangles)in the easiest of ways, so I have had a practice and am very pleased with the results. I have  a quilt pattern I want to do and have washed and ironed my fabric, so on the rainy days in this coming week I shall be sewing!
And here is my fabric all washed and ironed and ready to go!
I have been promising myself for ages to get started and as I am over loaded with gardening, some writing projects, the decorating of our hall stairs and landing, I decided this was the time to sew!! We have a big dining room table so there is room to leave my machine and fabric on it and room for us to eat, although when the weather is nice we eat outside in the garden.
I like to keep busy!!!
Happy Stitching everyone and hope you have the opportunity to sit and stitch in your garden too.


  1. I love Margaret Sherry disigns but have never completed one yet!Hope it's not to hard.Your stitching looks amazing.

  2. Your stitching is beautiful. How long have you been stitching? I think I need MUCH practice to be faster and better.

  3. You are one very busy lady!! It makes me tired just reading what you have to do!!

    You are also very talented!!!!

  4. Great progresson your Houses. I love them!
    Sorry to hear that your RR fabric is not good. I have experienced that and it makes it a tough stitch.
    Love the colors in your quilt blocks! Look forward to the progress.
    And home redos too! Amazing girl, amazing!

  5. GGH is looking gorgeous... not surprised you don't want to put it down. Shame about the RR piece but some designs do have that effect - one of the reason's I don't take part in these. Lovely fabrics - looking forward to seeing your progress on the quilt. :0)

  6. I did get your lovely postcard and want to visit you! ;-) What a beautiful area!!!! Thank you!

  7. 'House' looks wonderful.

    I'm sure Tina will be thrilled with your efforts on her RR when its done, those kittys are so cute to look at.

    Looking forward to seeing your quilting, thats something i have never tried before

  8. Your stitching and sewing looks great! Sorry to hear about your RR, hope the next piece will be a bit more fun!


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