Monday 31 May 2010

A day in my garden

I 've had a day in the garden today and it was a struggle, don’t know why but my knee hurts like mad. So I have just gone slowly and managed to dig out all the new daffs I put in last Autumn and weed and pull out all the self seeded forget –me -nots, they do look very pretty but they spread every where so now it all looks tidy and neat. Mike has dug up some comfrey that had taken over an area and we have planted it outside our gate. It grows like nobody’s business and we have it all over the place. In its place he planted my cosmos that I have grown in the green house, so a bit of planting got done! As well as that my nicotiana and some bizzie-lizzies were tucked in under our little tree, so the garden is beginning to look rather nice.

I still have petunias, rudeckia and geraniums to go in, all grown from seed. And each year I grow dahlias in pots in the green house and then when they are ready to flower I pop them into a shady spot behind some growth
My lupins are amazing and have grown even bigger this year, these were grown from seed three years ago so now are great big bushy plants.

 We had a glass of wine sitting outside and now I am ready for dinner, I had forgotten we had bought steak for tonight so that will be very nice with our own lettuce and some bought salad bits.
The bamboo cane is there so I can show it to Nell when she is on the plants, it works I don't have to use it!! You can see our poor grass where it is yellowed from her wee... but we are working on it!! We are now giving her tomato joice every day as well as dog rocks in her drinking water!
We need more rain!
Weather has been over cast but warm, so quite pleasant to work in. Hope everyone has enjoyed your day too


  1. Your garden is delightful I live in hope that one day mine might look half as good.

  2. Your garden is very pretty.
    I have a smaller garden, but was out in it today planting out my tomatoes, cucumber, pea, and runner bean plants. Nothing like a bit of home grown veg, lol.

    Love Roz x

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  4. Beautiful garden as always Chris, doesn't it make all the hard work worth it when you see and smell the beauty of nature. love Sue xx

  5. Chris your garden looks lovely and I'm so pleased to hear you're doing what you so enjoy after hearing about the allotment escapade. Isn't it lovely to sit back with a glass of wine at the end of a busy day and be proud of your efforts - well done you! xxx

  6. Your garden looks beautiful, you certainly got the rain you wanted today, bucketing it down all day here!

  7. Your garden is certainly looking very pretty. Lovely to have some warmer weather and to be able to enjoy it. A x

  8. Your gardens looking lovely. I've planted cosmos seeds straight in from the packet. Don't know whether it'll grow!! Happy gardening and stitching to you.

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  10. Oooo it's beautiful & I so envy you your little piece of Eden! Do you fancy coming here to sort mine out? :0)

  11. You have a beautiful garden and that's the one thing I really miss are the English gardens. There's something about them that are different from here. Here the gardens are manicured whereas in England they are just a bit less so.

    BTW, the stool transplant was a success. So far anyway!!


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