Tuesday 1 September 2009

Its my life and its a good one!!

I have got up this morning and have decided that This is My LIFE and I am the one who decides how my days will be..... so I am having a good day and no one else will determine by their actions what sort of day I will have .... and it has started off well because Kathy in Ontario has received my pressies for my blogoverary. I am so glad it arrived and that she likes it.
It is a Needle Case, a Scissor holder and a Scissor fob.

This is the Needle Case, the design is Blue Ribbon (suprise suprise!!) called 'Hugs and Kisses', stitched on 28c even weave, Antique White colour and the recommended DMC threads
I loved stitching this and would have loved to have included a little scissors but I know from an exchange group that including such things can be stopped at Canadian customs and the parcel opened and things lost, so sorry Kathy!

Its so nice to stitch for some one else, so I am looking around for my PIF recipients for something really nice!
Thank you all for your lovely comments and all the emails, I am hanging in there and appreciate all your kind thoughts and prayers.
Have a good day all I am!!


  1. Congratulations on your 'good life' day.
    Good for you!
    That is what it is all about! Keep on smiling and lovely stitching, as always ;-)

  2. I have no idea what it is that is so bad in your life at the moment but I hope things improve for you soon.

  3. For some reason the baove post went before I added, lovely stitching.

  4. Thank you again so much for my lovely gifts Chris.
    Sending big hugs and many thanks.

  5. OOOOO that is so lovely, what a very special gift.

    {{big hug}} have a lovely day

  6. Wonderful gift - lovely stitching1

  7. WOW! You have finished them all perfectly.
    Hope things get better for you soon.

  8. Oh that is so nicely stitched...what a lovely set!

  9. Hope every day is a Good Life day from now on. :0)
    Beautiful gifts - lucky Kathy. :0)


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Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..