Monday 31 August 2009

A New Day

A New Day
This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will.

You can waste it or use it for good.

What you do
today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.

When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that
you have left behind...let it be something good.~

I am trying very hard to keep smiling but the situation at home is making it very hard.. then I remembered I had this verse down the side of my blog page, so I have copied and pasted it where I can read it more easily
And the flower? Is a rudbeckia one of my favourites and when you're upset the garden is the place to find peace.


  1. Senidng you lots of {{hugs}} Chris, i know how you feel, our crisis is still ongoing too.
    Take care, and take each day one at a time, maybe i should take note of this advice myself. xxxx

  2. I hope things get better soon. You know where I am if you need me...via internet anyway lol.
    A day at a time is all we can do, we can do no more and we just have to remember that bad times are there to make us really appreciate the good, and of course, you need rain as well as the sun to make a rainbow. Hope that makes sense ((hugs))

  3. Oh ((((((hugs))))) my dear.
    You sure have made my dear. I love your blogaversary gift. It is wonderful things like that that help us through the rough times. Thank you.
    I have sent you an email and will post to my blog asap.

    Thank you again. It was wonderful!!!

  4. Hope it all settles down soon for you. Love your flower - it is peaceful and so pretty, isn't it?

  5. Just wanted to send you a big hug. Thinking of you. Michelle x

  6. I hope things get better for you soon.

  7. I am thinking of you too! I hope things are getting better.

  8. Lots of (((((((((hugs))))))))) Chris.


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