Thursday 3 October 2024

I never realised.....

 I never realised how much energy I had when I was younger.. I'd clean my house all morning doing several loads of washing and peg it out on the line; then a quick snack lunch and I'd get the garden weeded, and grass cut in the afternoon. These days I'm out of 'go juice' after one job!

I never realised how I could walk the mile to town effortlessly to go to the library., today we drive!

I never realised how I could get up each morning at 5:45am for work and keep going all day!

I never realised how I could eat a cake or two with a cup of tea in an afternoon and my weight stayed the same. Didn't even have a scales.

I never realised how easily I carried bags of shopping from the local shops, which were a good half a mile away.

I never realised how when I went to bed I'd sleep all night and never thought I wouldn't.

I never realised how I much ironing of clothes I did three times in a week, a husband and four children generated mountains of ironing.

But my biggest regret is I never realised how slim and attractive I looked. I had thick glossy brown hair, I still have thick hair but greying now, but it still curls easily and my hairdresser loves that it does!

I still have strong long nails which I have manicured and polished, one of my weaknesses..

In fact I should be saying instead of 'never realised'... I never 'appreciated my worth', a childhood without a mother, that lacked love and a really rotten choice of a first husband and I felt worthless and always second best.. 

But no more!! Meeting Dh was amazing because he is amazing and appreciates all I do.

Isn't it strange how when you look back at life you wish you'd had a Degree in ' Hindsight!'

So make the best of everyday..don't let your yesterdays spoil your todays!



Tracy said...

They do say that youth is wasted on the young. I don't think wasted is exactly the right word. Like you, I think youth is unappreciated by the young. As another saying goes, you don't know what you've got until it's gone!

Sooze said...

Yes, if only we knew then what we know now! But our previous experiences have made us what we are today - I'm strong and capable now because of what I had to cope with as a child and young teenager.

Poppypatchwork said...

I could have written this post as could of many people, how we could look in a mirror and not see out true selves.

jabblog said...

'Don't let your yesterdays spoil your todays' - what good advice that is! 😀
There's no reward in thinking about what we used to be able to do, though many of us are guilty of it. There are rewards and compensations in getting older - we just have to look for them 👀

Mari said...

I read each one and thought, yes!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Very inspirational post. I often look at an old photo and wonder why I thought I wasn't attractive or too overweight etc. Now, I look at the same photo and think I looked great -what was I thinking. It is amazing how much I accomplished when I worked, took care of the house and kids, cooked, baked, and hosted family holidays. Now I still have lots of energy in the early morning but by 1:00 I'm done for the day!!

Lynn and Precious said...

Never forget all those parts of you previously has made you the wonderful woman you are today. We tend to forget as we age how great we were and still are.

Marie Smith said...

A close friend is dying and we’ve been talking about life lessons. It amazes me how life can teach us so much if we are open to it. The journey is way too short but the experience is priceless!

Kathy G said...

We are the sum total of everything we have experienced from birth until today.

Jennifer said...

I never realized that one day I would so enjoy being the girl that I bemoaned (my weight, my hair, my get the picture) back then!!:)