Saturday 14 September 2024

This could be me!

I Worried 

I worry a lot, will the garden grow, will the rivers flow in the right direction, will the earth turn as it was taught, if not how shall I correct it?

Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven, can I do better?

Will I ever be able to sing, even the sparrows can do it and I am, well, hopeless.

Is my eye sight fading or am I imagining it, am I going to get rheumatism, lockjaw, dementia?

Finally I saw that worrying had come to nothing.

And gave it up.

And took my old body out into the morning and sang.

'I Worried.' by Mary Oliver.



  1. GHood advice. I love to walk when worried.

  2. This chimes with so many of us. My impression is that women worry much more than men, or perhaps we worry more openly.

  3. I overthink things and try to work out what I would do if anything happens to me.At the moment I am worrying if I have enough money to cover bills that are all coming. and I don't want to get into debt.Haven't ever been in debt. savings deminishing so I might as well use them as at my age 81 I might not be here before I runout. Today is sunny and bright cat Poppy is sitting on windowsill and I am going to go for a walk and enjoy the village I live in. sorry for long comment I did enjoy the poem and have got eveything off my chest!!! Valx

  4. I enjoy dipping and out of Mary Oliver's poetry.

  5. I'm a worrier. It would be good to cast it off quite that easily.

  6. Worry is such a waste of time and energy. I love how the poem ends outdoors!

  7. Good words and poem. I have to think about how many things I've worried about that have never happened!

  8. Worry is such a part of life, but it does not really get us anywhere.

  9. I really like that, thank you. xx

  10. I like Mary Oliver's poetryđź’—

  11. I like this poem. Do my best not to worry over things I can't change.


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