Saturday 3 August 2024

Yes another bad night!


Tired and a bit weepy I've had 4 nights in the row of little or no sleep, so having some days off blogging! My arm and shoulder is black and blue and very, very sore, so hence keeping me from sleeping.



  1. Sleep makes everything better and lack of it makes everything worse. I hope you find relief soon.

  2. No sleep certainly is dragging you down deeper. I pray it ends soon.

  3. I'm sorry, praying for the pain to subside and you to feel better!

  4. Sorry to hear of your pain, Chris. Have you broken or torn something?

  5. I'm so sorry the hear this, Chris. Rest up, and I hope you feel better soon. Xx

  6. I'm so sorry you had a fall, look after yourself and do whatever you need for a speedy recovery. And wishing you a good nights sleep before too long.

  7. Sending love. Hoping it feels much more comfortable very soon. xx

  8. Lack of sleep is very wearing. I do hope your pain soon passes.

  9. I certainly hope you get some rest soon. Doing without sleep can just turn your life upside down.

  10. Hope your poor arm and shoulder feel better soon, it must be trying to get comfortable in bed and you are probably still shaken up from your fall. Hugs from Staffordshire. Xx

  11. Thinking of you and wishing you a good night’s sleep.

  12. Several consecutive nights with little to no sleep is so demoralizing. I hope very soon you'll feel less pain in your arm and shoulder.

  13. Have you had your arm and shoulder checked out by a doctor to make sure you have not injured it further when you fell? Other than bruising and soft tissue damage, I mean.


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Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..