Wednesday 10 July 2024


 July 8th, there were missile strikes on Kiev which hit a children's hospital, why?

The news reporting it, was awful, a woman looking for her daughter who was having dialyses, running through the wreckage shouted 'I don't know whose hand that is'  How are people living through this..what is it all about?
I can't imagine how it must feel to have a child in a hospital that's bombed, what anguish. It made me think of when my son was in hospital, I was there every afternoon as soon as school had finished, making sure he was comfortable, straightening his sheets, making sure his drip hadn't run out, getting anything he needed. 

And these poor children are in rubble, dust, bedlam! 41 killed, 120 injured.

Karl Marx said 'the root of everything is money' ...

 his own words......

“Money is the universal, self-constituted value of all things. Hence it has robbed the whole world... of its proper value. Money is the alienated essence of man's labour and life, and this alien essence dominates him as he worships it.”

Ukraine is a country rich in many things, so a target for Russia.

But the people are the ones who are suffering. 

We, Great Britain give aid,  so those who moan about money going out of our country to help foreign ones, thank the Lord its not us being bombed.



  1. It's a war crime. Putin will continue to send every mother's son into battle. What a dreadful man he is.

  2. It' absolutely terrible and I totally agree. Do unto others as we would have them do to us. xx

  3. This is one more tragic event in our cruel world. And Children, of course
    Putin would target them in his meanness. I pray for Ukraine and Israel.

  4. Amen, sister!

    The children’s hospital bombing is atrocious!

  5. It is so sad. I don't understand either.

  6. The horror of war is beyond comprehension, and the innocent are the biggest victims.

  7. Don't want to stir things up but I think it's been firmly established that Putin is mentally deranged.


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