Saturday 13 July 2024

We love our garden

 We have had an afternoon in the garden, bulking up the flower beds. I hoed a few weeds to death and Dh over turned the soil, which is growing bird seed underneath the bird feeders.

We have very sandy soil which dries out very quickly, so we've added some home grown compost and some bought top soil. This is my favourite flower bed, which is west facing and is in front of the side wall of our bungalow, so gets very hot. The antirrhinums are lovely and grown from seed. 

The honeysuckle we can smell in the evening when we're watcing out for our visitor, who cheekily has taken to walking over the top flower bed, rather than walk round it!

The climbing roses are coming into their own now and the scent is heavenly.

And I planted a clematis with this one,( Eat your heart out Monty, we too are gardeners!)

And although this Johnson Blue geranium looks glorious, it was to have the vivid splash of orange crocosmia, but some little creepy crawly had eaten the buds before they fully opened!

But it has flourished and is spilling nicely over the patio, perhaps next year!
We did sit for a while and admire our handy work.  Not bad for two oldies, a garden from scratch in three years.



  1. A lot of planning and hard work has paid off for you. Well done:-)

  2. I need to head out and do some gardening myself this morning. Weeds knew I was away and had a grand time of it.

  3. Your flowers are beautiful! Our clematis did not do nearly as well as usual this year, but our crocosmia is flourishing! However, we have a bunny who has decided this is a good place to eat lunch which is not making Bob happy!

  4. It is just beautiful, Chris! I wonder if we have those blue geraniums over here? They are stunning. And the rose and clematis, so clever! I must do that next year. Right now, just trying to keep everything alive is a real challenge in this drought.
    Yes, you two have done very well with your garden. Kudos!

  5. Amazing results in such a short time. I love looking at gardens so thank you
    for sharing. The color of the blue flowers really impresses me. My favorite color
    is blue but I have no blue flowers unfortunately. Have a nice cool evening looking for
    Mr. Hedgehog and enjoy the blooms.

  6. Your hard work has paid off.Great results.

  7. Well done ! Love sharing your garden and the sunshine. From cold rainy southern Australia

  8. Your flowers are amazing. I especially like the Johnson's blue Geranium which I had years ago but sadly don't any more.

  9. Your flowers are so beautiful, so colourful, and I really love the smell of honeysuckle.

  10. Your garden is flourishing. How lovely.

  11. Your garden does you both proud, Chris. It looks amazing.

  12. Your garden looks lovely.

    All the best Jan


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