Saturday 6 July 2024


 We see the hedgehog in our garden every night now, usually around about 9 o'clock, so light enough to see him really well.  He arrives at one end of our garden from under the fence and then trundles across the patio, up one side of our garden, stops off at the bird feeder in the middle., where Dh has scattered meal worms there, just for him and then comes back down half way of the garden and climbs up a step to proceed up the side path, past all my pots of tomatoes and then to the very top end of the garden and off out through the bottom of the copper beech hedge!

He's a good size and can walk quite fast. I love the way he walks up the edge of the actual flower beds, mooching around. The other night we went outside to watch him by the bird feeder and you could hear picking at the grass.

(Stock pic)
So what do hedgehogs do all night? Evidently just walk around looking for food and looking for a mate. He does a lot of poos!

We are fascinated by him and have to watch him each night.

The Alison Uttley books were favourites of mine when I was little and I loved the stories of Fuzzypeg, whose mum was always mending the holes in his clothes from his prickles, so he looked tidy for school!

We feel so proud that we have a hedgehog, who loves our garden and comes each evening to trundle around it snuffling and mooching and eating! Who knows we might get a family here with babies. Wouldn't that be exciting.



  1. I remember the Alison Uttley books. I never felt her work was as much appreciated as Beatrix Potter's.

  2. WOuldn't that be lovely. A hedgehog family (and fewer slugs). xx

  3. I've only seen pictures of hedgehogs because we don't have them here. They are cute little critters.

  4. So you have seen I love wildlife of all kinds. I would so like to see a hedgehog in
    person and feel this is great you have one and will let us know if he brings in a mate
    and babies. I get so excited when I see our new fawn, even if they eventually eat every
    thing in sight. Or Baby rabbits. Have a lovely weekend. Lynn

  5. Your hedgehog sounds wonderful. Nature never fails to amaze!

  6. What a cutie. I haven't seen a visiting hedgehog here in a while.
    I remember the Fuzzypeg books, in fact I think Lily has one, which used to belong to me. Xx

  7. please don't let your hedgehog eat mealworms, hedgehog food is quite a reasonable price, or meat catfood.

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  9. It must be such a thrill to have this sweet nightly visitor to your garden. I remember the Fuzzypeg books from my childhood too. Fond memories.


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