Wednesday 12 June 2024

Favourite for Dh and me? yuk!


My CD, radio has gone phut, it must be 20 years old, so I've had my money's worth. I'm not bothered about replacing it, as we have a DAB radio and that's all I need. But Dh loves his music and CDs. so we have this one in mind. It has Blue tooth, so that could be useful.
Dh is very serious about his music and had bought a lot of CDs lately.
He is so serious we stopped going to one Supermarket, because he didn't like their music that was playing! I hadn't even noticed the music!
 We have a running joke about the one group, Crosby, Stills and Nash, its his favourite.. A few years ago while we lived in Billericay, we went to a lot of London shows, as it was easy to get there.

So for his birthday one year I booked and bought tickets to see them, the tickets were £94 each. He was so excited, I hated them, to me it was just a cacophony of sound! I couldn't wait for them to finish, another time if he wants to see them, I will not be going!!

I used to go to Cliff Richards shows, but I think that part of my life has past! Do you have favourites?



  1. He is serious! I have lots of favorites and switch up what I'm listening to frequently. I'm not one to go to concerts thought. Just sitting and listening bores me, I love music to be playing while I'm doing things.

  2. I do have some favourites, but I very rarely listen to music. I don't even own any CD's. X

  3. I only concert I’ve ever seen which I didn’t like was Reba McIntyre because the music drowned out her voice. I went with my husband who is a country fan. Me, not so much.

  4. Music is a big part of my life, I have cds on or radio most all day. I Live James Blunts music and have been to see him 4 times now, hubby isn't keen so my daughters come with me, we daw him in June and have just booked to see him in Feb, can't wait. I'd be lost without my music

  5. So few people have a way to play CDs these days, that I'm surprised they are still selling them. I like CSNY, but I think whole concert could be too much. :)

  6. In my life I've had many musicians and singers I have enjoyed some more than others.
    I can not carry a tune and I really am bad about remembering the words to songs. Good
    luck with the blue tooth as I am really computer ignorant and anything internetty!

  7. We only have a few cd's left as they can only be played on one of our laptops. Everything else is on memory sticks or bought and downloaded now.


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