Thursday 6 June 2024

Alls well

The lunch went amazingly well,

Our visitors arrived bearing gifts, flowers and this little hanging maple leaf saying,  in Welsh.

This translated .... 'To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.' 

(Audrey Hepburn)

    Which lovely and shows a lot of thought.

I felt a bit mean  minded, but she hadn't explained herself to me. I'd forgotten she was a pragmatist so what you saw, was what you got.  

And not only did they eat everything, but had seconds. The extra large chicken was cooked the day before so we could have it cold; it was juicy and delicious, they loved the pickled cucumber and have asked to have the recipe, which I will email along with the red slaw recipe that Dh makes, everything was perfect especially the roasted baby tomatoes.  We have put the new potatoes we cooked on our order, as we hadn't ever had them ourselves before,  and they were really very nice. And the large green salad with red endive and water cress was so crispy, which I love..

(Thank you Jamie Oliver!)

Strawberries and meringues and cream, was desert.

She apologized and we both agreed texting can be misleading and can be misunderstood, and perhaps phoning is better. So we ended with a friendly hug, minding my arm! 

Roses are beautiful but gripped the wrong way,  could cause a thorn to prick a finger.

Dh and I were very tired and went to bed early! And we don't think we need to clean for a month at least!! LOL

She took a root of my Ladies Mantle, which we laughed about because the original plant was from her garden in  1990!!  I have had snippets of it in 5 gardens and this root has flourished in this garden.

She loved our garden and walked around several times.

'Felly, mae popeth yn dda.'

(So, all's well)



  1. Thankfully all went well when your erstwhile friend and husband came over. Big relief!!

  2. I'm so glad it all worked out in the end, and that you enjoyed your time together. Xx

  3. So pleased that, after all your concerns, you had a lovely time.

  4. I am so very glad for you and I agree that emails/texts can be most misleading. I'm pleased you had such a lovely time. xx

  5. O da iawn. Diolch byth.x

  6. I am pleased that it all worked out so well. x

  7. How nice it was a good visit, appreciated by the lady and her husband quite obviously.

  8. I am glad all turned out so well in the end. Phoning is so much better than texting.

  9. Glad it all went well, and the quote about the rose is definitely one to remember.

  10. Oh yes, this can easily happen with messaging can't it - I've experienced it too. So glad that it all was lovely, you worked hard to ensure they had a good time.
    Alison in Wales x

  11. I'm so glad it went well! I know you are relieved it's done and you can now relax!

  12. Thanks for the update. I agree that texts can be easily misunderstood.

  13. I missed reading the post before this one so had to go back there first before rereading this one. Glad to hear it went well.
    When we moved to NH I got in contact with an old colleague with whom I'd only exchanged Christmas cards for years and years. Since she lives in Maine I thought we should meetup and rekindle the friendship. With Covid it was difficult until last spring. We met for lunch in a town 2 hours from us and closer to them. They talked the whole time and showed no interest in anything about our lives. My Dh said no more. I sent the usual Christmas card and she sent one when saying we should get together. I've done nothing to encourage it and I'm hoping she's forgot about us.

  14. Glad it all went better than you had thought it would, and yes, texting can be confusing, not always read the way it is intended.

  15. So glad all ended happily...

  16. Sounds like an excellent meal! I am so glad it went well.

  17. All's well that ends well as they say!

  18. Glad things turned out well in the end.


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