Saturday 18 May 2024

Success breeds Success!

 It's a beautiful sunshiny day and my heart is yippity yip, because? The scales in SW showed a 2lb loss, 2!! When I saw where the dial  was, I afraid to breath incase it nudged the needle up! And we won the raffle, so the cherry on the cake. All the ingredients to make a bacon and vegetable and  potato hash.. so that's tomorrows meal sorted. 

We drove home the long way up to Rest Bay and along the front promenade to see the sea. Very calm today and some people walking the two mile coast road, we drove all around before turning for home. 

It was very tempting to stop by Mama Frans kiosk because as well as serving very good coffee, her ice creams are to die for.. but we drove on past.

Although we live by the sea, we have country side around us and I love when we drive past this field, called the Donkey Field because its where the beach donkeys graze.

Full of buttercups, it always looks golden at this time of year. 

So my sunny mood was reflected in the golden buttercups.
I've tried growing buttercups in a wild area in my garden in Suffolk, but they would not grow. I even tried transplanting them from a flower bed, but to no avail.  When I see them my heart sings; we have a weedy patch here, where the fence meets the copper beech hedge and there are some buttercups there, so I have left them.

Success breeds success, 'An Open University' mantra, so a very good week planned because I'm on the cusp of dropping down into the next stone area, yippy! Roll on another 2lb, or should I say 'roll off!!'



  1. Whatever you're doing, or not eating, is obviously working:-)

  2. Chris, congrats on the weight loss! And a beautiful way to celebrate, great drive past some beautiful areas. I so enjoy your photos. Hope the weight just starts melting away.

  3. Congrats on your 2 lbs. I wish you continued success. Buttercups are in bloom here, too, and they make such bright, beautiful fields.

  4. Hooray for you on the 2 pound loss!
    I love the scenery. Those buttercups are so pretty and cheerful!

  5. Well done! Two pounds is a lot!

  6. Well done, Chris!
    I'm enjoying your sea views. X

  7. I've got a patch of buttercups in the garden, I didn't plant them, the birds must have left them. I was going to pull them up last year then stopped and thought no, they might be considered a weed but they look pretty, there are a few more this year.
    Well done on the weight loss.

  8. Congrats on losing two pounds! What gorgeous sea views!

  9. Congratulations on the weight loss!

  10. Congrats on the 2lbs!
    The field of flowers is beautiful.


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