Wednesday 15 May 2024


We popped into our town yesterday afternoon and while we were walking along a young man with a similar hair style to this walked
past us.


Once we were well past him I turned to Dh to say.. 'if you want your hair cut like that, I'll still love you, but I won't walk with you.' The big joke is Dh has a lot of hair, albeit white, but still a lot. He hates going to get it cut and waits till its too long, before he goes to a barbers. 
The first time he went to a barbers when we moved here, he went to a Turkish barbers. He asked for his usual, short sides but long side burns and a square neck, what ever that means. The young man asked did he want a #2 or #6?? On asking Dh was told the #6 was the longest, so that's what he asked for.
Well he looked like Chris Packham, I thought it looked really nice, swept back off his forehead, but Dh was not happy!

Here's my lovely Dh looking a bit like Chris Packham.

Of my three sons only my middle son hasn't lost his hair. When he was 15, he'd gone to the barber where we lived and came home with what was the then, the style called 'tramlines.' I wasn't pleased but even worse his school wasn't happy either and was sent home till they grew out. But then the school relented, when I phoned and spoke to an Assistant Head complaining, that they were denying him his education, which was his right.
But I didn't make life easy for him, he was grounded till his hair grew! What is it with young men who want to look so very different?

Here's Dh with his usual style.

I have my hair washed and blow dried into a style these days, as my duff arm won't let me and all I ever ask for is that it looks tidy!
What do you ask your hairdresser for?



  1. I think your husband looks very nice. I rarely go to the hairdresser - can't stand being fiddled with and the inane conversations.

  2. My hair is short as it's straight and fine and does best that way.
    My DH started losing his hair in his mid 20's and now just shaves his head. Our son in mid 30's still has a full head of hair.
    It's kind of crazy the school gave your son such trouble about the trimlines. Could have been a much crazier hairstyle than that!

  3. I like the Chris Packham look suits him.Just have mine short can’t be bothered to faff with it xx

  4. Handsome hubby you have. Here I cut my own hair at a shoulder length bob,
    and I cut my husband's in a similar style to your husband's. Been doing mine for too many years to count since a teen and his for the past 17 since he retired and we moved away from his barber. I do not like anyone touching my hair, a carry over from childhood fights with my mother on shampoo night, lol.

  5. He has a wonderful head of hair.

    What do I ask my hairdresser for? I usually just say 'chop it all off', she knows what I mean. I keep it very short. :-)

  6. Your husband does have nice hair. So does mine. My hair, on the other hand, is thin, fine, and frizzy and takes some effort to look decent.

  7. Oh I remember those hair cuts, don't see many people with hair like that anymore. I'm afraid my hubby lost his hair some years ago, I'm afraid it runs in his family. I don't much like going to the hairdressers, don't like messing with my hair, it's in a bob style, i don't like it too long as it irritates me.

  8. I love going to the hairdresser, I find it very relaxing. She asks what I want and I just say 'tidy it up' and she does. I always get what they call product in it as it is fine and straight and I like it to look nice at least once a month. My hubby is bald at the crown and has a number 2 for what's left.

  9. I'd give anything to be able to have my head covered in a hedgehog style.

  10. I am annoyed by schools who put the emphasis on looks rather than behaviour or work. My daughter had various problems in her school. Your husband is lucky to have all that hair.

  11. I don't go to a hairdresser. I am trying to get my hair to grow back to the length it used to be before chemo. It's refusing to grow below my shoulders. :(


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