Wednesday 22 May 2024



This squawking gull woke me this morning and for once I didn't mind, because I wasn't going to rush to get up anyway. I'm not well, I've a horrible cough.

Cough, cough, cough through the night, just a tickly cough and now a raw throat frim coughing, Dh got up with me in the night and made me a lovely hot cup of tea. Then he poked around in the depths of our shelves in our little pantry and low and behold he found a bottle of medicine! It soothed my throat and it stopped the cough. 

I'm so glad I have my Aunty's trend to buy stuff in case I might need it, hence we have our own little chemist's shop in the pantry!

We climbed back into bed and I slept for 2 unbroken hours. Where did it come from? We haven't socialized this week with anyone. 

But at least being retired I can sit around all day and if I feel up to it read. Although I think I might listen to the audible version of a favourite book, 'Remember Me' by Charity Norman, who is my favourite author.



  1. I hope the cough has now departed. Coughing all the time is very tiring.

  2. Hope that cough goes away for good very quickly!

  3. Glad you had a remedy at home already. Helps not to have to wait it through till morn and go shopping for something. Some times we pick up "bugs" just touching something somewhere else. Hope it clears up soon.

  4. I know that allergies can cause a cough, and coughing always seems worse at night. I hope you continue to feel relief today.

  5. My husband always has the medicine cabinet stocked. He always has a “fix.” Hope that is the end of the coughing, Chris.

  6. Hope it's not whooping cough, apparently that's on the rise again. Coughing hard hurts not only your throat and chest, but your stomach too! A spoonful of honey is good for soothing sore throats and coughs.

  7. You could have picked up a virus when you were at your slimming meeting, by touching a surface someone else had touched who were not even aware they were ill, not having any symptoms yet.

  8. TIckly coughs are a nuisance. Could it be hay fever? xx

  9. So sorry you have this cough, they are so annoying and can be tiring!
    Hope it soon goes.

    All the best Jan

  10. Hope your cough gets better, soon.

  11. Ah, you had it too!! The cough is certainly very trying! I do hope you feel better soon! Kezzie xx


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