Monday 13 May 2024

17 years ago.


Kate and Gerry McCann have published this heartbreaking message on their daughter's 21st Birthday.
Earlier this month they used social media to share a poignant message on the 17th anniversary of her disappearance.
How have they been able to keep living a relatively normal life with their twins beats all understanding?
Such heart ache for them, I can't even imagine how they must feel, the memory of that night of May 3rd 2007 must always be in their minds. 
Will we ever know what happened to Madelaine?



  1. Wow, how can it be so long ago. I have no idea how you would keep going everyday, they must have a lot of 'what if's'

  2. I remember her well. I don't know how you go on when you lose a child, especially if you are always wondering what happened.

  3. I can't even imagine this. So sad.

  4. I don’t know how they continue a life…but what choice is there?

  5. Thinking of the McCann family today.😔🙏

  6. My friend and I were on holiday in Spain,and there were so many posters around us.
    So very sad.


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