Saturday 27 April 2024

A pleasant day in our life.

 At Slimming World the scales said I hadn't kept to the food plan, but truth be told my gain could have been greater! But its a new week so I'd better not suggest a coffee in town, as I have tasted a Costa's Tiffin, wooooo it was loverly! I remember making something like it when my children were little for their birthday parties. 

The recipe is really easy, Rich Tea biscuits, broken up, chocolate, syrup, soft brown sugar, glace cherries, raisins and cocoa powder. It is very calorific, but worth it, but I won't be making it!

When we came home the decorator said he would be finished in the afternoon and he was; it looks absolutely super and very white with red tile paint windowsills. The tile windowsills were here when we moved here and although not my choice, they look ok. So now we need to paint our bench and we are going to buy a new door mat.

 We love that bench and in the summer we sit there and say 'hello' to people who pass and most stop and chat. Dh used to sit on the outside wall, when we lived in Leiston, not that many people passed by, but the farmers in the tractors waved as they drove passed. 

This is our bench when Dh put in new wooden planks and painted it. At present it looks a bit faded but won't take a lot to get it looking like new again.
So the decorator has done a very good job of painting our bungalow, we are very pleased and we'd have him again, so we may have our bedroom painted next.

The decorator was admiring our seedlings and veg patch and said our garden looked lovely, and thought it all looked as though we knew what we were doing. We did say we'd been gardening for a 'few' years! He is a budding enthusiastic new gardener. 

Later on my potted on my Alicante tomato plants, all looking good. I'll do some more potting on at the weekend; hope the rain stays away.

And that was our Friday, not exciting but very satisfying and would have been even better if the hedge cutter had turned up at 4 to give us a quote, but 'dim problem,'  I have another one coming tomorrow morning. How was your day?



  1. It sure sounds like you have the home sprucing up going on at a good pace! The park bench looks a bit like one we had at our old home 17 years ago. We did give it to a close friend who set it up in a place where he too, had folks stop by for a chat. He'd had a stroke and could no longer speak, but eveyone just loved sitting with him and talking for them both, lol. How fun to see flowers open there, we are not that far along here. Have a great weekend.

  2. It's nice to get things spruced up and very satisfying.

  3. New paint makes such a difference. I'm glad you were able to find a painter that you liked. We have a bench like that waiting for new slats. With the weather warming up, I guess maybe that project should make it to the top of the list. BTW, it's about a month before we can set out tomatoes here.

  4. I need to get back to SW but I am disinclined to spend the money. But perhaps if I do it will spur me on to stick to my resolve instead of weakening at the first opportunity. And the next and the next!

  5. Hmm I can see some more baking happening after seeing that tiffin. Glad the painting has gone well and you seem to have inspired a new gardener in the process.


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