Wednesday 20 March 2024

We've made a weekend

When Dh first retired and joined me at home, we found we never had a day off; there was always something to do in the house. So we decided to have Thursdays as a hobby day!

I sewed quilts and Dh made wine.. we sometimes spilled over into another day if we were in the  middle of something, I'd tack some fabric and Dh designed his labels on his laptop for his wine. It worked really well. On Sundays we were involved in our own churches.

Since moving here, we were for a while over burdened with trying to get straight; builders and workmen have dominated our first two years here. But now we are more or less straight, we had our garage roof replaced last month and I'm  just sorting out a decorator for the outside walls.. and that will be it, unless there is a hole in the roof or the boiler blows up, we are not having anything else done! We do have a couple of bags ready for a charity shop in the hall and we'll pop them there, next time we're in town. 

So we can sort of relax. 

But now we belong to a choir, and SW and a book group and different U3a groups, some weeks we only have Saturday and Sundays at home! 

                       So we have a weekend again!

And so the garden had some attention last weekend.

There are the daffs I planted back on one really cold November day, looking rather nice and the scent from the orange centered ones is beautiful.
We've had some really sunny days and I spent a few hours outside potting on some seedlings and some self seeded foxgloves, popped them all in my little plastic greenhouse to bring them on. It was a very pleasant afternoon, and I felt warm!

Dh dug up a huge clump of pink geraniums and we've put them under a bit of our Copper Beech hedge, where it's a bit sparse. Hopefully it will block it up against cats. Since we now don't have a dog, we've had some cat 'mess' in our veg patch. 

And I sat outside yesterday and Dh brought me a cuppa and a piece of Weetabix cake. (SW recipe) He'd made it in the morning when I was dozing.
It was delicious, not quite a fruit cake, but the taste is near enough to satisfy the taste buds. And I was very grateful for his thoughtfulness.
Since the news of my friend's death, I've been a bit flat. 
Life's hard isn't it? As a Christian I do believe I have God's help to get through things, but I do waver some days and sleep doesn't come easy.


  1. You've done really well in a very short space of time.
    Weekends shouldn;t mean so much in retirement, but they do, they really do.
    I'm glad you have kept them.

    Hopeng easier sleep returns soon. xx

  2. Sending a virtual hug. Grief is real and a very personal journey. x

  3. We had a great sermon at church on Sunday about John the Baptist, and how even he had his doubts at times. Bereavement IS painful Look at the story of Lazarus, Jesus stood with the two sisters at the tomb, and he WEPT. And he knew what he was about to do. I take comfort that however hard it feels at times, nothing can separate us from God's love. Hang on to the promises of Isaiah 43 my friend. And make time for moments together as a couple, not as part of a choir/sw/u3a or whatever. "date nights" aren't just for youngsters! 😉❤️👍🙏

  4. I'm sorry to hear the sad news about your friend, grieving is never an easy thing to navigate and it's unique, we all grieve in different ways. Your daffodils are very cheery, it's always nice to have spring bulbs planted to add some colour to the garden.

  5. I've heard from so many people about how busy they are in retirement. Glad you are enjoying the weekends. Your husband is thoughtful - those little things are sometimes the best!

  6. It's not at all surprising that you are feeling a bit flat. Grieving knocks the very axis of our world and it takes time to get ourselves back on an even keel. Hopefully your faith will pull you through and give you some comfort. Take care of yourself. xx

  7. So sorry about your friend. One of our friends died last year and her birthday reminder came up on our calendar yesterday. Sad but we remembered the good times together! It helped.

  8. Hello. I am sorry about your friend. I lost a good friend from high school recently. He was only 55. I still can't believe it. My husband recently retired, and while I was worried about him being home all day, I never see him! LOL Have a cozy evening, and Happy Spring!

  9. It's amazing how we don't slow down when we first retire. Trying to fit everything in is fun. It's a good idea to still have weekends. We worked out that it was best to go out and about during the week and stay home on weekends while all the working people are out and about and clogging up the roads and restaurants. But now we are into our 80's and we have been retired for nearly twenty years and we have slowed down a lot. We travelled, we joined U3A, we visited distant daughters and had many hobbies. Now we still have photography and videography as hobbies and going out with friends for lunch and participating in the village activities. Unfortunately visits to doctors and chemists is a regular occurance too. Enjoy your retirement. Live everyday to its fullest do nothing on some days and just drink in the beauty around you. Must stop the ramble.


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