Saturday 23 March 2024

Royal news.

 Catherine, Princess of Wales has very bravely given a televised interview announcing that she has been diagnosed with cancer.

She explained that William and herself, wanted to make sure that their children were told first to allay their fears and to make sure they understood. And this why she hasn't spoken about her illness at an earlier time.


It seems her original operation wasn't for cancer, but on examination after the operation, it was discovered.
She is receiving treatment for the cancer and also medication as a preventative and she is well.
She did look very pale, but as beautiful as ever.

I should think, another reason that she has chosen to speak now, is because of all the wild rumours. Let's hope now people will stop and give her space to recover and leave her alone.
This wasn't my intended post today,  but how could I not write about our beautiful Princess of Wales.
We're all praying for her and for her successful treatment and for a complete recovery.



doodles n daydreams said...

Yes it is sad news but she is being very brave. The harassment she has endured over the past few months and particularly the past fortnight has been disgusting. Here's hoping they will now leave the poor girl in peace to recover. She has enough to deal with. And definitely praying for a full and early recovery.

Angela said...

Amen to that. Illness is no respecter of status. God bless her - and Prince William, who must be concerned for his father too.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

diane b said...

It sure is sad news and I wish themedia would leave them all alone.

Traveller said...

I agree with you let’s hope people stop making up ridiculous theories - someone concluded that the mainstream media knew what was happening but could publish it becuase they “had to obey their masters”. And what was it? Well she had had a nervous breakdown and wanted a divorce. You couldn’t make it up….oh wait someone did.

jabblog said...

Facing this in the glare of the world's media is difficult.

Joy said...

Totally agree. Well said. xx

Marie Smith said...

Best wishes to Kate for a complete remission!

Mari said...

Very sad news. I do hope they leave them alone now!
Praying for her and also William. I can't imagine the pressure on him with this and also his Father's illness.

Granny Marigold said...

I have been so angry about the stupid rumors about the Princess of Wales. I'm relieved she's come out with the facts so hopefully the tales will end but the problems of the Royal family will take a while to deal with. I hope and pray for strength for them.
I love your pretty daffodils ( a few posts back). Spring is such a joy.

Julia said...

Praying and believing God for total healing and a full recovery for Princess Kate. Praying for comfort, strength, and peace for her whole family.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

There have been some really horrid things said about the Princess of Wales in the last few weeks, when she is enduring such a difficult time with her health and the worry of her father in law, as well as wanting to protect her own young family from unfounded rumours. My wish is that she is allowed time to heal and be with those she loves most.