Sunday 24 March 2024

Palm Sunday

I was in Israel in 2002, so walked the road where 2000 years before people had stood and waved palm leaves and shouted Hosanna for a man riding a donkey.
It seems a lot longer ago, when I was there, and now there is war and destruction there.
The shortest verse in the Bible is 'Jesus Wept' (John 11.35)



  1. It is a sad world. However, in spite of all the grief, I hope you have a good week, Chris.

  2. Very appropriate Biblical quotation.

  3. It would be so special to be there, but it's not safe.
    Yes, the state of the world is so sad.

  4. So sad to realise the streets where the Prince of Peace rode on a donkey are now filled with the sounds of war

  5. And how he would today over Jerusalem, and the world.

  6. I was in Israel in 1998 where I met my husband who is English and comes from Essex. It was a special time to visit around Easter and I'm glad I went then. So sad the way things are now and it is a very appropriate bible quote.


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