Thursday 1 February 2024

Posh Toast

I have not been good over the weekend on the SW food plan and this morning when Dh asked what I'd like for breakfast I wanted to cry.
I had porridge which is very satisfying and keeps me full till lunch time; but I really, really wanted toast! Some people fail with diets or food plans because they like a glass or two or more of wine and others love chocolate. Me?? It's toast, the sort, where you can sink your teeth into a thick slice of crusty brown bread, thickly spread with butter and marmalade! 
So when I saw this book, Posh Toast, in a charity shop window I wanted it. Aren't there books about everything these days!
I went in ask to look at it, but knew I'd be too tempted, so gave it back to the older lady helping there. And we struck up a conversion about how easy toast is. Its easy to cook and you can eat it with one hand. I admitted my love of toast to her and told her that my mother in law was criticized for eating a lot of toast, instead of real meals,  because she was very under weight. And this little lady in the charity shop said a very true thing that, these people who say such statements of what's good for you to eat, don't really know how life is really like for old people, who live alone, as she did.
So I didn't buy the book but I really really wanted to!

love toast with butter and marmalade, its my biggest failing.
Do you admit to a weakness, if there is such a thing?
Or are you a sensible eater?


  1. Toast and marmalade....Yumm! Or toast spread with newly made strawberry jam! But my all time favourite (which I only have occasionally) and a fairly new addition to my diet, is Avocado toast. Today I scored an avocado for only $1 - they're usually $1.99 here - so avocado toast will be on my plate very soon!

  2. I love my breakfast toast with butter! And though I cook good meals for myself, I can certainly understand older people who live alone, on tea and toast. I keep it to breakfast and maybe egg salad on toast for supper, like today.
    I don't crave food much but yes, I'm on Team Toast.

  3. I don’t consider myself elderly but I often have poached egg on toast with a side salad for my dinner - especially now I’m on my own.


    Do check out this recent article from the Guardian! Toast is definitely my weakness too. Toast, butter, homemade marmalade.

  5. 1 round of Toast and marmalade is my every day breakfast.
    I used to love peanut butter on toast and could eat far too much and peanut butter by the spoonful too! I had to stop buying it.

  6. So many foods - I just love food and resisting can be so difficult. If I had to choose one, I think I would say cheese. xx

  7. Team toast definitely but as my husband is not supposed to eat bread it is very much a treat in our house. Love it with either marmalade or marmite (and sometimes both together!)

  8. I love toast and marmalade or toast and syrup. I don't often have syrup but I really like it.

  9. Oh yes, I too love a nice slice of thickly cut bread toasted, with either butter or peanut butter and occasionally just homemade marmalade.

    I love getting the first slice of toast straight from the toaster, spreading it with butter and eating it piping hot before the butter can dissolve into the toast. I literally stand AT the toaster buttering little bits at a time. The next slice is eaten more conventionally, sat down with a nice cup of black coffee.

  10. My grandfather was a fisherman, up at four a.m. during fishing season, out to check his traps. When he came home, my grandmother and I were often still in bed. Granda would make me toast over the wood fire on a hand grate over the fire. Nan made crusty bread which was so good lathered in fresh butter and some kind of homemade jam. Toast today just doesn’t measure up!

    Thank you for stirring up some great memories!

  11. I like toast! With butter and/or jam or marmalade or with peanut butter; with scrambled eggs or sardines or cheese. I think one can build an entire meal on toast! My food weakness, however, has to be desserts! I just love desserts! All very bad for me, but, that's how it is, isn't it?


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