Monday 26 February 2024

How is he now?

I stood at the French doors yesterday  and stared out at the sheets of rain across the garden thinking, there must be a man called Noah in our town for us to have all this rain; tipping down was an understatement!

I had thoughts of my youngest son, Michael,  whose birthday it was, he will be 53.. but I haven't seen or even heard from him for nearly 15 years, you may ask why? And I'd have to say I don't know why, he decided I'd said something?? He won't talk to any of his brothers or sister either.

He was such a loving little boy When he was about 8 he used to crawl around the bed to my side and whisper 'Do you want a cup of tea Mummy?' It was usually crack of dawn! 

We did a lot together, he was the youngest although not that younger than my other three children. So yesterday morning staring out at the rain on the garden I couldn't get him out of my mind. I send him cards and even postcards, but to no avail. 

Such a heart ache to think of him, but he was always very able and is a very successful business man owning his own business.

He started off as an electrician and I wonder if he remembers how I encouraged him and paid for his college course, when he had a breakdown and moved in with me for 18 months. He was wonderful then and helped me get that house sorted, as I had sold a big house and down sized to a three bedroomed property, to allow me to leave a teaching post I hated.

We spent hours most evenings talking about his situation and that money alone doesn't make you happy, and he was happy to give up what he was doing to learn a new trade. I had 8 extra wall points in the two biggest bedrooms and extra wall points all over the house put in by him.

He went on and trained to do plumbing and a gas safe engineer. So his business is kitchen, bathroom fitting and alterations. That was over 25 years ago and he always did well. It was he who fitted my new kitchen and it was amazing. I went on holiday and came home to a perfect kitchen. He is a perfectionist and Dh and I said once of one workman we had here, that's not up to Michael's standard and I let him go and got someone else!

So I hope he opened his card, although who knows he might have recognised my handwriting and binned it, but as Dh said, I've tried. 

I joined the watery rain and some tears fell while I was thinking about him



  1. I really feel for you, I have been through similar - although not as extreme - thinking of you.
    Sensitively written.
    Alison in Wales x

  2. It's sad when that sort of family rift happens isn't it, and even more so when you don't know the reason behind their decision. You've done your best and that's what you can be proud of. xx

  3. Yes, I agree with the comments above. So sad.

  4. Sending a hug across the planet, Chris! Thinking of you, my friend!

  5. It is sad and it happens in many families, for many reasons or none. You have kept on trying and one day maybe you'll have a response. It's sad for Michael's siblings, too.

  6. That's so sad, and made harder when you don't know why. We've gone through similar issues with a sibling of Bob's but at least knew a reason. Things had improved though and now we see her regularly. I pray that happens for you as well.

  7. Such a heart-breaking thing for a parent to go through. Especially having to guess the reason. So sorry.

  8. So sorry, this is very difficult for you.

  9. Definitely know the feeling - and it hurts so much. Our only on hasn't been heard from for over 7 years. Married a sociopath who will not allow him to be in contact with any family or former friends. Like your son, he was a lovely child and young man until she came into the picture. It's heartbreaking but we've had to move on.
    Be brave.

  10. Oh, that's so sad Chris. I can't even begin to imagine how much it hurts not having heard from your son for so long. Sending you a big virtual hug from Belgium xxx

  11. I'm sorry for the pain you have in your life due to your youngest son. I'm aware of many families with similar heart aches. It's so sad.
    The endless rain seems to bring our spirits down too. Let's hope for sunshine.

  12. My heart and prayers are with you!

  13. So sorry to hear that. Must be hard. Xx

  14. So sorry to hear that your youngest child doesn't keep in touch with you. I hope you do hear from him, one of these days. (((HUGS)))


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