Tuesday 6 February 2024

Can you grow them the next year?


I made a big mistake last year and challenged myself to lose 5 pounds from when the first leaves of my Amaryllis grew, to when it would flower, I lost!

This year I was tempted, but while I was making up my mind, whether I would, Dh remarked that second morning after we had planted it, pointing at the Amaryllis that he thought it had grown 4 inches over night! And I think it had too! I don't think its been 2 weeks growing to the flower stage. 

What do the growers do to get it to grow so quickly? I'd love to grow them the following year but I've never been successful. I've let it dry out, then repotted it and then fed it in the summer months each week and all I got was a lot of leaves. 

A friend of mine has always been successful and grows them year after year. Have you been successful? What did you do to get it to flower the next year?


(I didn't take that photograph)


  1. I can't get mine to flower the second year, they have plenty of leaves but never flower, I treated them like tulip bulbs, allowed them to dry out and then rest the bulbs in a dry aired wooden tray. I will try again for this Christmas period.

  2. We grew them over the years. I can’t remember what we did to keep them. Such is old age.

  3. I am rarely successful with any plants!

  4. Currently I have nine Amaryllis two of which are about to bloom. The others seem to be taking a rest this year. I've come to the conclusion that they're not hard to grow but challenging to get to bloom.

  5. Chris, you forgot to fertilize your green thumb!! haha. Some things are not meant to be, just ask me. I am awful with flower growing.

  6. I don't think I've ever even tried, but I seem to recall that what my mum did was to let the bulbs rest dry in the cellar from spring until autumn and then take them upstairs and plant them again in the autumn, I don't remember how long before Christmas. There must be advice on that somewhere on the world wide web, I suspect :) ... I never find it worth trying as I live in a flat, I have no good place for them to hibernate.

  7. I planted one in the garden, one year, but, it didn't flower. Maybe I should try growing them indoors in a pot!


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