Thursday 29 February 2024

£20 a packet??

I used to smoke, stared as a nurse because every body did in those days and the dangerous effects weren't really known.

It seems the Government wants to raise the price of a packet of cigs to £20, to deter people from smoking, presently they average £14.59

I found it very difficult to give up, I was hooked... but when my youngest son was shown films in school about the dangers of smoking each time I lit up, he used to get upset. I think he thought I was going to drop dead there and then. So I decided to make a real effort to give up, it wasn't easy. First I went with a friend to a hypnotist. For 2 days I was fine, didn't want a cigarette, then I was crawling the walls for one. Really I should have gone back and had a second session, but I didn't.

A year later I decided I'd try acupuncture. I remember it well. It was the last week of the summer holidays. So my four children and I drove to Southend, where I had made the appointment at an acupuncture clinic. I left my children in a MacDonald's. My ex was away with his work.

As I walked the short way to the clinic, I took the packet of cigarettes from my pocket and went to put them in a bill.. I hesitated and thought my world would end, but I did it! It was so hard, I was really addicted.

The next day I tried pressing the pin 'thingy' in the side of my ear, it didn't feel like it was working, but I knew what to do. Go to places and do things where I never smoked. So we piled into my car and we went to Southend as soon as we'd had breakfast, because I never smoked in the open air. 

The children played on the beach, the sun was lovely and I sat and watched them and read. We had sandwiches and crisps and fruit and I drank squash, not tea or coffee, I didn't fancy a cigarette with squash. When we got home, I went straight into the shower and my daughter, then 15 made our evening meal with my youngest son then 7 helping. I ate the meal and went straight into the bedroom, I never smoked in the bedroom. 

I did that for 5 days, it wasn't easy but with the help of the aquapuncture 'thingy' and my own children I did it! I had been a smoker for 20 years!! 

So would I pay £20 for a packet if I still smoked? Probably, it's a drug and once you're addicted it not easy to give up. I'd never smoke again, not just for health reasons,  but I don't think I could give it up again! I had the odd occasion in the past, when  I saw people smoking in old films and I remembered that feeling of immense calm with that first inhalation, but of course I wouldn't.

Did you ever smoke? 



  1. No, never. Well - once, one of those old paper covered with wax straws that we used to get with our playtime milk. A group of us tried and I was so thoroughly and comprehensively sick it put me off for life. Also - couldn't afford it anyway!

  2. I used to smoke but most of my cigarettes just burned away. I was never addicted but sometimes, when I smell cigarette smoke, I'm a little tempted. I haven't smoked for 50 years.

  3. I started smoking when I was really young and smoked all through my later school years and up until I was pregnant with my first son. As soon as he was born I started again, although at a much reduced rate, around 5-10 a day, and didn't stop until six years later when I was pregnant with my second son. This time around I was determined not to start again, and because of a mixture of willpower and the lack of cash I didn't. I haven't smoked for over 37 years now ... it was his birthday yesterday. I had no idea they were almost £15 a pack now, how does anyone afford to smoke?

  4. Good for you for quitting. I know it's so hard! I never tried smoking, was always afraid of getting hooked.

  5. Congratulations to you for quitting. Yes, I smoked for over 25 years. In 1998 I had what I thought was a cold but my husband had to call 911 because I couldn't breathe. I spent 3 days in ICU. I was a heavy smoker but that day was the last day I ever smoked. I quit cold turkey. The awful memory of not being able to breathe helped me to stop. Sometimes I dream I've had a cigarette. I still love the smell of someone lighting a cigarette. Also, I promised myself I could have a cigarette on my 85th birthday (I was 52 at the time). If I did, I'd probably keel over. Who can even afford to smoke these days? Elaine (in Toronto)

  6. Hi!thanks for your comment on my blog.
    Whanganui is gradually returning to the older spelling with the H...
    Wouldn't it be funny if we had met your friend there!!
    I lived in Wales for a total of 42 years, North and South..three of my children still live in Wales.

  7. My husband, as a boy amongst boys used to smoke the stalks of Old Man's Beard... until they inhaled and got a mouthful of ash!

  8. I had a puff on one cigarette but didn’t ever again. I didn’t like the feeling or the taste. You did so well to give it up as you did. Well done!

  9. No, never tried it. My parents both smoked, and so did relatives when they visited. I had to leave the room because I couldn't stand the fog.

  10. Well done, quitting smoking! I've never even tried!


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