Tuesday 30 January 2024

When I was little!

 When people think of Porthcawl, they see photos like this.. in fact this photograph is in the BBC 'Songs of Praise' opening credits, so it is a famous photo.

But its not always like this, we do have calm sunshiny days even in the winter months.

Because I've returned here after 46 years, the question I get asked the most is, do I think it's changed; of course it has, but some things are the same. 

The beach where I played is still the same! Sandy Bay is 650m long and south facing. It was only a few minutes from my home and from a very early age I went there to play with my cousin and friend, we were all the same age.

(Stock pic)
I remember it,  as being with golden soft sand and we stayed there all day. Each of us had a jam sandwich, but I can't remember us having a drink, like the bottle of water you see most people have today. If I remember rightly there was a water fountain by the fairground entrance.
We took off our sandals and dresses and played in our knickers. Sometimes we might have our bathers with us, but often we didn't because, if we had taken them with us, our parents, (my grandmother) would know where we were going!

We made sand castles  and went home when it started to get dark. We paddled and swam in the sea, in fact I can't remember ever not being able to swim!
We were as young as seven or eight, although there was one occasion when we were just four, that we stripped off to our knicks to swim. It was winter and I can vaguely remember there was snow, we arrived home with our wet clothes in a bundle! We were grabbed and given a hot bath! I think I'd lost a shoe and my aunt went back later and found it on the steps leading down to the beach!

Playing on a beach is not what children of any age do today without an adult present, but children did play out in those days. Hot sunny days, running and screaming, splashing in and out of the sea, enjoying ourselves in the carefree way children can. I was as brown as a berry, no knowledge of the dangers of the sun then. In fact a postcard joke was how 'Dai looked so healthy in his coffin,' and the reply given, 'that holiday in Porthcawl two weeks ago, did him the world of good!'
    There are often posts on a Porthcawl FB page saying how they remember their families had holidays here years ago and how they enjoyed themselves in the Miners Fortnight.(The last week of July and the first week of August)
Who knows they might have been one of the families who stayed at my Grandmother's? They often booked the next year, the day they were leaving!


  1. I have never been to Porthcawl - it looks beautiful!

  2. Those carefree days have gone for most children - too many perceived dangers. What lovely memories you have.

  3. That takes me right back to our caravan holidays at Black Rock Sands as a child. Happy times. xx

  4. I smile as I read this post. Your beach days sound like mine while I visited my grandmother every summer.

    Nan didn’t want me at the beach, afraid I would drown. She was always busy in the garden and I spent glorious days along the beach with a big group of kids. The best of times, carefree except for hiding the beach time from Nan!

    We were fortunate to enjoy such a childhood!

  5. Even notoriously bad weather areas must have some good days! Yes gone are the days when young children went out to play in the mornings and didn't come home until afternoon, when it was near teatime. Parents nowadays must be so fearful of letting their kids out to play by themselves, even near the home.

  6. I feel sorry for youngsters today that they never get to know the freedom that we had as children - in my case in the fields and woods around our house on a farm.

  7. I remember going to Porthcawl when I was a child. I remember blue skies and sunshine. Lovely place to live.

  8. I have never heard of that place but it looks lovely and your memories are priceless. Lovely post.

  9. Sounds like a lovely time!

  10. Wonderful memories of your childhood playing on the beach with friends. I have my own fond memories of seaside holidays as a child. Thank you for the reminder.


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