Saturday 18 November 2023

Good advice? But do we need telling?

 In 'old fashion' terms I'm a bit down in the dumps and can't for the life of me pull myself together. The weather doesn't help. dull and dreary and although its not actually raining, its very drippy out!

I am not usually affected by the weather, although a sunshiny day makes me feel happy and more capable to face anything.  But yesterday I felt so old and weary.

According to Professor Chris Whitty,  Chief Medical Officer of England, older people are at a disadvantage. People are living longer but some are in bad health.  Certain areas of the country have a higher aging population and these areas are poor cousins of the big cities, that have more than adequate provisions for the population.

He advocates that 'we'  (The Government?) need to get serious about these areas or we'll end up with large numbers of people leading much more dependent lives. So providing services and an environment in these areas is an absolute priority.

I love,  but also was a bit cynical about his advice for us oldies, to look after ourselves the 'old fashion way.'  ie Eat healthily, exercise and keep fit, I would add to that dress warmly! We already know that and its within our own capability, money allowing ( I do acknowledge that some older people have only their OAP to live in)

He also suggests that housing, transport and other parts of the environment are made more elderly friendly, so people can live out their lives as independently as possible.

Shame some local councils haven't read his report, because here in my home coastal town, a redundant £2.8 million bus terminal is being built, but all but two buses have been cancelled! And its away from the town centre, so why was all that money spent on what the towns' people are calling, the youngsters hang out place?

We feel very blessed that we were able to buy this bungalow and had the money, to make it comfortable to suit our needs; and we're still able to look out for ourselves.    So there's no real need for me to be down in the dumps, the rain has started, but its doing my garden good, with very sandy soil it needs it.. so pulling up my big girl pants and with the radio up loud, I can face what ever life throws at me!

What do you think?



  1. Just as grey and grotty over here in Mid Suffolk but you have the beautiful ever changing sea to look at!

  2. Hi Chris. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting. I am now following you as well. I love this post. I often get melancholy, especially over the holidays, so your post was a good reminder to look for the good and do what we can to stay healthy and happy! I notice that you are a retired teacher. I teach high school and hope to retire in a couple of years. I hope you have a good Saturday. I hope you will visit my blog again and comment and I will come back and visit you. See you again soon!

  3. Pretty grey and wet here in Cornwall, but my house is warm and cosy!

  4. You are right most of us know how to look after ourselves but not everyone has the wherewithall to do so. WE don't need an expert to depress us by making is seem over the hill.

  5. Sometimes there is just no reason to feel down in the dumps that we are aware of! But it happens. I usually turn to a good movie or Netflix for some cheering up when that happens! Weather does affect me.

  6. You are so right about the difference weather makes to our mood. Today we had blue skies albeit a bit on the chilly side, but I definitely felt more cheerful on my morning walk!

  7. You are not alone in being down in the dumps. It has been a month since I had a smile on my face. I know how to "fix" myself but sometimes having a bit of support and conversation helps. I do hope both of us pull ourselves up and out!

    Grace & Peace,

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  10. Thank you for sharing this lovely pick me up and hopeful song. Sending love and good wishes that you will have a brighter week whatever comes your way.
    Let the tears fall when they need to for Nell and hold those happy memories in your heart xx


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