Sunday 12 November 2023

Am I boring?

 Questions in a 'You gov.' survey I did last week.

Tick what you did in the last 6 months.

1. Rode in a helicopter

2. Did a bungy jump

3. Swam in open water.

4. Ran in marathon.

5. Visited the Arctic.

6. Watched TV.

7. Went skiing.

Guess what I ticked??

Honestly, do you know any one who has done any one of those activities, except watch TV? Even walking I'm careful, thinking of my trip that changed my life. I walk looking carefully at where I'm stepping, paving slabs make me nervous but  the newer Eastern promenade is perfect for me, a flat surface and no pavers.

Altho the new patio isn't what I really wanted it is very flat and no gaps between the paving slabs. Its so flat I am confident enough to walk on it without a walking stick. 

I remember the physio's advice, stride don't tippy-toe, look ahead not down, lift your feet up higher than you think you need to; so I try to just that.  But I still feel nervous. so I don't think I'm ready to do those other activities just yet, what do you think???

Shame there wasn't a question about walking on a beach. This is one of the 5 Porthcawl beaches where I have walked, hard flat sand, super to walk on,

 It looked like this, when I was a child in the summer time.

I played here every day. summer or winter. We even swam by ourselves without adult supervision, from when we were still quite young.
 A care free childhood and we all survived, perhaps we are tougher than I think, so perhaps I could do something in the future apart from watching TV.. ha ha|! What do you think?



  1. Is that list of possible activities for real? Seems ridiculous that the only more or less 'normal' activity choice was watching TV! I always look where I'm walking - husband doesn't at all, which is why he's always treading in dog poo or tripping over raised paving edges!!

  2. Was that really a proper survey?

    Good grief, not sure I know anyone who has done any of those -except TV.
    Def not boring, just sensible!

  3. What a daft quiz! My daughter did run a half-marathon a couple of weeks ago, but she is in her 20's and, fit as she is, has no plans to tackle a full marathon. I would only be able to tick the watch tv option.

  4. My Father did a bungee jump when he was in his 70s, or maybe early 80s. He was rather silent about it afterwards; I'm not sure it lived up to expectations; more terrifying, less exhilarating, perhaps?
    Apart from TV I've done none of those things except swimming in the sea many, many decades ago.
    We should start a 'we're not boring club' for like-minded people!

  5. Yes, I do remember doing things in my youth that I would never attempt now or allow my kids to do. I was "outside" on my own since 4 years old and the neighborhood kids went sledding blocks away in deep snow, went into the woods, caught crayfish in the stream- all our own when I was like 10! Rode my bike 6 miles to my friends house through the parks etc. Someone was watching over me but it wasn't my parents. I live on the beach now and love to take walks.

  6. I had the same survey and answered the same as you, watched TV. We found Porthcawl way back in 70's and loved it, not been for a few years.

  7. I get that. I think it is just to make sure you are not a 'bot' (or whatever it's called) but a real person.
    I wonder what would happen if we ticked one of the others.


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