Saturday 24 December 2022

Getting ready for the feast!

 One of my step daughters gave me an Amazon voucher for my birthday. Dh has bought me books, so had a think and bought these. A jigsaw for after Christmas and an Amaryllis and both arrived today.

I've planted the amaryllis and will delight in watching it grow.

Lots of delicious cooking smells here, even though it will be just us two, we still go the whole way with extras and sauces.

I've made Delia Smith's Morella Cherry and red wine sauce to go with our duck and in the oven being roasted is the base for Jamie Oliver's veg, herbs and chicken wings gravy recipe.. Dh is making Mary Berry's salmon mousse and we're listening to Carols from Kings on Radio 4. Our slow cooker is ready to start the pudding over night and the fridge is full!!

Will we dare to weigh after all this food? 

We are starting our day with our reading, Luke Chapter2 and then our breakfast is a selection of continental meats, (Dh has pork pie his family tradition) I like smoked salmon and we have crusty whole meal bread and butter and of course Bucks Fizz! 

What do you do on Christmas Eve?



  1. Lots of lovely food for tomorrow then. Enjoy all of it both of you.
    We went and sang carols around the tree outside our church this afternoon and have been finishing the last of the baking before family arrive tomorrow.
    Have a really lovely day tomorrow. Happy Christmas xx

  2. Sounds lovely. When the kids were at home we always had a picnic style tea, now there is just the two of us we still have the same, just less, hubby is happy with some crusty ham cobs, crisps and pickled onions, I had quiche and salad. We are going out for Christmas Dinner and I'm so looking forward to a day off today. Have a wonderful Christmas

  3. Oh, my, that food sounds absolutely amazing.
    (Bucks Fizz in on my breakfast menu too).

    Thank you for your lovely posts through the year and I wish you and yours a very happy and blessed Christmas. xx

  4. That does sound like lots of food. Don't think I would enjoy meat for breakfast. Christmas Eve is when we gather with the whole family. This year it was a smaller group, only 13 of us; typically it's about 25. I must say I prefer the smaller group......less noise and caos. When we return home from the family affair, hubby and darling daughter and I do our exchange with lights off.....tree and candels on. It's so peaceful...our way of decompressing. We enjoy a nice glass of Bourbon while we visit and exchange gifts.

  5. What a tasty menu, everything sounded and looked so cozy, wishing you and your family a very blessed and Happy New Year


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