Saturday 1 October 2022

My Blessings

I follow and read several blogs and so admire their photographs. I'm hopeless and mine don't do justice to the subjects I'm photographing.  I'm thinking particularly of our garden which has been spectacular, a lot due to Dh as I can't dig with my duff arm anymore and in all the heat he watered the pots every night.  We are getting ready to put it to bed for the winter, lifting the dahlias and getting those pesky dandelions out. 

I get blog envy when I see some. but I feel so sad for those who write about their everyday lives, some very lonely by themselves, others who can't fit enough into their days, carefully planned as though they're afraid to have one minute unplanned. I don't fill my days with planned activities and am happy to go along as things happen. I don't need to fill my life with things, activities or holidays. Even when I lived alone, I took my time through each day. Now having met my lovely Dh 18 years ago I have many and plentiful number of blessings.

He's not perfect in a lot of things, as he needs time to get round to doing things, which in all fairness, he's decided he needed to do himself. He made a 'to do' list the other day but hasn't actually done anything on it yet. He wants to paint his shed, he has the paint ready and waiting; he wants to sort out the garage, we have the shelves to put things on to be up off the floor; and he will do these things but not just yet. I don't mind, when he says he's ready I'll help, and it will all get done.

But he is perfect in other ways, I have always had a morning cup of tea each day since we married in 2006, he is always willing to stop what he's doing if I need help and he is a very good cook. He has never complained when I've woken him up night after night with my insomnia but will make a cuppa at 3 in the morning. And he happily cuddles up behind me in bed to warm me if I feel cold.  So he's pretty wonderful I wonder what I've done to deserve someone like him. He's generous of heart. He makes me think of the song 'Something Good' from the sound of music, because I must have done something good to have met him and he ask me to marry him.



  1. What a touching post. I love that you have found your soulmate and are forgiving when he falls short. We should all to that. I too take my time, don't fill my days with useless stuff... oh I used to but not anymore and wonder why I did when I was younger.

  2. I can resonate with this.Sounds just like my OH.I get two cups of tea and the newspaper..We have been married for 55 years.Long may it last.

  3. I think we should all count our blessings like you have done. Quite recently I was criticised for not going places and not doing much with my time but it's my business and I'm much more relaxed about not having to get things done in the here and now, it's how it should be.

  4. Stopping to count your blessings makes for a happy person.

  5. What a sweet post. Hubby and I have been married 50 years, and he's a bit of a procastintor with household projects, mainly because he has not retired and always thinks he has more time than he has. Take the pictures and post them, sounds like you're too critical. I think most of us just use our cell phones and don't try for professional photo's...though I admit I see some on the blogs. Enjoy your cuppa and the end of your garden.

  6. Your hubby sounds like a dear. I am a widow and recall how my hubby was a dear man also. I love being retired and scheduling in things I want to do, like Bible study and meeting friends for tea, isn't it grand?

  7. Aww what lovely words for your hubby. A reminder we should all count our blessings. I have to have some structure to my day otherwise I feel like I've accomplished nothing, I've tried having a plan for my crafting but I found that's not for me and I enjoy it more if I just work on what I feel like working on.

  8. What a lovely post and it sounds like you've worked out what the important things in life are. Some people are not so fortunate, so although it may seem they're living perfect lives, the meaningful things are passing them by. Your husband sounds like a keeper.


  9. What a wonderful husband you have Chris. My husband is the complete opposite and is always on the go but I love him dearly for his ways.
    We are both so blessed with our husbands aren't we.


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