Monday 26 September 2022

Simple things??

 A while ago we bought this weather station. it gives the temperature in the house too.

As well as pictures of clouds etc indicating the weather, there is a little man. He dresses according to the temperature, so he can be in shorts with a deck chair beside him or he can be carrying an umbrella. We love it! Simple things??

We consult it every morning and through the day too, do you think we're going through our second childhood? This morning it is telling us its 13.7°C so a bit chilly out there! There are already autumnal signs and we have put our heavier duvet on our bed. 

We've done a little gardening at the weekend getting the garden ready for winter. I don't wait till the frosts these days to lift my dahlias for the winter, I do it when I am able to; with just a little weeding on Saturday my achy muscles yesterday have reminded me of my age! So these days I like simple things that need little or no effort and do things when I can rather than when perhaps they should be done! 
Do you have days when you feel your age?



  1. I like your weather station. It was like winter today, cold and raining and very windy. I have one of those whirligig things in the garden and if that's spinning then it's windy. Do I feel my age? I certainly do and I'm not seventy yet but I feel younger than that in my head, it's my body that tells me different :)

  2. I should really start clearing my garden ready for winter, but I am putting it off while the bees are still visiting the wildflowers.
    I'm feeling my age most days at the moment. I think I should try and pace myself more. Xx

  3. Love your little weather station. :).
    I think we all have a little kid in us somewhere.
    Not feeling my age!! :)


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