Tuesday 9 August 2022

I was hoarse some evenings!!

Have you watched and enjoyed the Commonwealth Games? I've followed and enjoyed the netball.
I've shouted and  yelled as if I was there. I loved it although I was very disappointed that England was pushed out by Australia.
And then by NZ so didn't even get a bronze medal.

I didn't play when I was in school, but I did take over the Netball team in a school,  when the young teacher said she didn't want to do it  anymore. I was 54 at that point in my teaching days!
I read the rule book over and over, increased the practice sessions to twice a week after school and then once at a lunch time. This increased as the girls got more enthusiastic and over that first year my team gradually improved. Then every girl wanted to be in my yr 6 class although I had girls from each of the three classes, and girls who had caused problems in classes who wanted to play in the 'A' team started to be less bothersome. 
I loved it too although it increased my work load. As senior teacher with a Head Teacher,  who had a lot of sick leave and a Deputy who had more colds than was ever heard of, I took a major role in the school.  
Also as I played the piano, I took most of the Assemblies so I was very busy,  but netball became my passion and so these games were right up my street. 
One of the girls I coached went on to play at her senior school and then for Essex, she was brilliant. It was lovely to think I had introduced her to the game. 
Happy Days!


  1. I loved all the different sports at the Commonwealth games (apart fromthe boxing makes me feel ill!)The Hockey was good and the Diving so brilliant

  2. How lovely that you saw one of your pupils progress as she did. When I was at school, there were some teachers who were inspiring whilst there were others who I've often wondered why they went into teaching. It sounds like a lot of extra work taking the team on, but I'm sure you got a lot out of it as well as the kids. I was in the netball team at school, I was Goal Shooter.

  3. I was never any good at team sports in school although I loved to escape doing the cross country running. From what you say I think I may have liked to have had you as a teacher and given netball a go. I'm afraid I didn't watch much of the Commonwealth Games on TV.


  4. What a fantastic Commonwealth Games it has been. Not only has there been great sports and competition but the whole ethos of the 'friendly'games was very much evident. I did enjoy the womens cricket.
    How lovely that you were able to encourage and motivate so many young girls when you worked in school :)
    Enjoy the rest of this sunny week in the UK x


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