Wednesday 27 July 2022

A surprise and a result!

Surprise, surprise the new tab was rubbish, I was in and out of bed like a yoyo. At 2:55am I gave in and took one of my old tablets, 2 paracetamol and a cystitis relief and I slept for 2 hours before I had to get up again and then slept till just after 7:00am. 

So I feel wrecked again today.. but........

When ever I feel a bit down I look at this little sweetie and she brightens my day.

So we decided to go out for a coffee, getting out and about does help my miserable feelings.
But then, while in Costa coming out of the loo, (where else would I be,) wonders of wonders I had a phone call from the surgery as my sample came up as positive of pathogens and the Dr had written me up a prescription for ant-biotics! Yeh I might get a night's sleep. 



  1. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear up the infection quickly and I do hope you have a better night's sleep.

  2. It's not surprising you feel miserable, to have an infection is bad enough but the lack of sleep on top of that is hard to cope with. Fingers crossed that the antibiotics work quickly and you get this under control.

  3. Thanks for visiting Small Moments. I love to meet new friends. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Glad you were prescribed an antibiotic; hopefully it helps!

  5. No wonder things aren't clearing up. Have you had a better night's sleep - I do hope so. xx

  6. I hope the antibiotics will work a treat (as they say).


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