Saturday 13 April 2019

The best news ever

Amazingly wonderful wonderful news

This morning I have received a letter from the hospital with the results of the cystoscopy I had two weeks ago and there is no evidence of an abnormal growth. I have not got cancer!!! Yeh... whew I have a lot worries about it.
I could run through a meadow shouting and laughing I feel wonderful
Yes I have an aggravated area from constant UTIs so I am to have a prophylactic anti-biotic for 6 months.. 
Amazing news and thank you Lord.. for not just the results but for getting me through it. And my lovely DH for his care and love.
I might not be able to run but I can go out to the garden and enjoy the air, the bluebells and even the dreaded weeds.. all green and fresh.
 Life is good.

(This is on my other 'life' blog)


  1. I am so glad for you Chris!

  2. That's wonderful news. Better than winning the lottery.

    Well I suppose you won the health lottery!

  3. I saw the name of your blog on a sister blogger's blog list and I had to come visit. I'm so glad that I did, because I can celebrate your good news with you. I know your worries, we are going through them too. Cancer is a giant, but our Lord is bigger.
    God bless you,


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