Sunday 26 August 2018

Am I mad??

I saw this jumper in The Stitcher Mag and loved it, however the wool suggested was Ewe Baa Ram at £17 a hank!! Wow you needed 9 altogether, at that price it was right out; however I search around for a yarn I could use and looked at Drops. I found this Drops Flora which is a mixture of wool and alpaca and bought it from Purple Sheep costing £1.90, 10p less than Wool Warehouse. I even worked out how many metres (yards) I needed and so have only bought what I need.. 

I have finished the socks,  annoyingly having wasted a good length of the wool for the second sock, to make sure they matched which they did,  but then after the heel turn, the colours mis-matched.

I shall post these off with a note tucked in the toe of one, just so he can buy himself a Costa coffee and cake, which he does love. 
I am back to knitting my lovely shawl/scarf for which I did buy the recommended wool, which did cost me rather a lot but I think I deserve a treat!  
And then that lovely jumper will be my evening knitting joy It will keep me on the diet straight and narrow because I don't want to find that having knitted it, it will be too tight!!
Happy knitting or what ever you enjoy doing, what is your evening joy?



  1. Nearly £60? Oh, my goodness. No way. I'm glad you found an acceptable substitute.

  2. It is so annoying to waste a great length of yarn to get the match, then have the manufacturer fool you later on with a join.

  3. I like Drops yarn, its often on sale too which is handy. I've knitted a few pairs of socks with it.
    Have a good week xx

  4. Glad you are back to your knitting.

    I have used DROPS wool quite a lot, very soft & cosy & reasonably priced. The colour of the socks is lovely & it is annoying having to waste wool but it's worth it to get the pattern to match.

  5. Beautiful socks I bet they are warm though! I just wish i could knit.

  6. I would have been searching for a substitute yarn as well, Chris.
    The socks look comfortable.


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