Monday 8 January 2018

Getting busy

We finished this on Friday evening and thought it was difficult, but the one we've started is wow... very, very difficult. A present from #1ds He must think I am super clever??
I do find them relaxing even when I can't find the one piece to complete a part!

But I have also started to crochet, yeah I can....these are some of the flowers  for my CAL.
So I might get it finished the year.. perhaps??
Anyone else promising themselves, that they will finish a WIP this year?


  1. Love the flowers, great colour combinations.

  2. I'd love to finish Celtic Autumn but get so frustrated every at the moment as it it is all stop and start.
    Good to know your arm is finally on the mend and you can use it more and more.

  3. The puzzle is a lovely picture and I love the crochet flowers, what will you do with them? Last year I was determined to improve my knitting, this year I WILL learn Fair Isle :D It's good to have goals :D

  4. Love the jig saw puzzle picture. The flowers are very pretty.

    I have a gansey to finish for a heritage voyage, a quilted bag, a shawl I started a year ago and that's just for starters!

  5. Good news that your arm is well enough to allow you to crochet.

  6. Nice pic on your finished puzzle.
    Great start on the crochet work, no plans here, going with the flow and see what happens.

  7. Hello! Am here via Joy and have to say what a beautiful jigsaw! I also adore your crochet flowers. Lovely colours x


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