Wednesday 19 October 2016

Still knitting and good news...

 .... well good news to me. Today I have for the first time eaten a yogurt using  my right arm!! First time for 18months, does this mean my arm is healing? 4 weeks ago, because of various life threatening side effects notified to me by my own Dr, I stopped taking a high dose of dichlofenic, an anti-inflammatory drug. I thought I wouldn't be able to go without them; I have been taking them for years. It was suggested by the rep. of the Exergen treatment  (Ultra sonic treatment that I had last year, that failed),  that NSAIDS hinder healing..(Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( are a drug class that groups together drugs that provide analgesic (pain-killing) and antipyretic (fever-reducing) effects, and, in higher doses, anti-inflammatory effects.) At first I noticed my shoulder pain was worse,  but my knees for which I was taking them were no worse! And suddenly other things were good, no headaches and no constipation (I know you wanted to know  that, sorry !!)  So all in all it was a good thing to give them up. I just have two paracetamol at bed time. And today lifting up my arm to eat was a real air punching fist moment.. YEH!! (with my left arm!)
And life goes on.. into my 18th month..
I have tried to keep busy, a pair of socks for me..
And another pair on the go for a friend...
Being able to lift my right arm means I can use my machine, so it's a date for next week!
I am singing and almost back to my old polly-anna happy self.. I say nearly because today I jammed my finger in the door and burst into tears.. just a small hitch I said to DH but I had a kiss better and a wonderful hug.


  1. I am so very glad to read you can use your right arm Chris!! :D
    Those are some great socks.

  2. I am thrilled, lets hope that this is the start of better things and you will have a full recovery. Great socks.

  3. Pretty, pretty socks. And pretty good arm progress; keep it coming.

  4. So pleased for you that you have had some good news! I hope that this is the start of better things to come! xx

  5. Good for you! That's great news!! Nice socks too!

  6. Such wonderful news about your arm, Chris!

  7. Great news about your arm, Chris. I hope it continues to improve.
    Oh and I like the socks you've been knitting.

  8. I do hope stopping the tablet brings lots more good news your way. Nice socks.


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