Wednesday 29 July 2015

9 Years today!!

It was a very hot and sunny day nine years ago when Mike and I married.
I had the hat made for a previous friends wedding and so just had to add some aqua feathers to the white ones to match my outfit.

Don't know why the photo is on the squiff!!  It was a very happy day and it has been a very, very happy nine years.
 DH and I were email friends, we started writing to each other in 2004. I had changed schools in 2002 and suddenly found I needed computer skills so bought my first laptop. Playing around I found a penpal site and DH was one of six people I choose to write to. We agreed to meet when DH and I had been writing for a year and a year later we married.
It has been a real blessing meeting him and I say a silent prayer of thanks hundreds of times each week and 'I love you' to him every day
I still write to two ladies, one in Australia who we stayed with for a few days when we visited there. And the other lives in UK and we fill pages with talk all about gardens and families..
Hope all my blogging friends have been blessed with a loving happy relationship too.


  1. What a dear sweet story! Hugs to you!

  2. Hi Chris,congratulations on your anniversary,wow look at you,love your hat,you look stunning.How are you doing with your arm..getting better I hope.Best wishes to you and yours,take

  3. Congratulations, happiness is earned, glad to read your happy post

  4. What a beautiful picture! Happy Anniversary!! Love the hat...those feathers are so cute! People in my neck of the woods don't really "do" hats, except for cowboy hats and baseball caps, even the girls. So it's nice to see a feminine hat. :-)

  5. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful bride. :D

  6. Dearest Chris, first off...I am so glad you came over and following along.
    I will follow you right back. :)
    Next, I am thrilled that you and DH are happy after 9 years.
    Mr. Sweet and I will celebrate our 55th anniversary in I guess you could safely say "we have a loving relationship" LOL
    You are a beautiful woman and you set that pretty wedding hat off to a tee...:)

  7. Happy Anniversary Chris, and many more happy years to come!

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  9. Happy anniversary! You were a beautiful bride!!

  10. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet love story:) I met my Husband at our work and we have been married 30 years this October! He WAS and IS a blessing in my life! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  11. So very happy for you, Chris, and DH is a very lucky man to have you as his wife. Actually, you're both very lucky to have found love again and I could really see it between you when we spent the day together 2 years ago! Can't believe it's been that long - so much has happened in my life - but I'm really hoping to return in 2016! Hope to visit again!

  12. Happy Anniversary to you both , and hope you have many more . You look beautiful on your wedding pic. xxx

  13. Happy Anniversary. More blissful years ahead:)

  14. I loved to read about how you met your future husband. Happy anniversary to you both!

  15. Happy Anniversary, a lovely love story.

  16. Happy the story of how you met. Wishing you many years of happiness.

  17. Congratulations on your Anniversary and I loved reading your story of how you met. It is so wonderful to have someone special and I have been lucky enough to be married to my husband, best friend and soulmate for almost 35 years now. xx

  18. Happy Anniversary, Chris--I loved hearing about how the two of you got together :)

  19. A lovely photograph of you Chris, anniversary wishes to you both.
    I met my DH at an undertakers!!


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