Saturday 4 April 2015

YOTA Progress report..

First Saturday of the month is the day to report progress of YOTA (Year of the acronymm ) A fun SAL (Stitchalong)  of continuing and finishing work in progress (WIP) So I am continuing this because I don't want it to become a UFO( Unfinished Object)

And it  is progressing well and I love stitching it. Even weave gives a nice finish and is easy to stitch.
I had to start one tulip and I have done some of the back stitching. I think it is looking good, hope all you wonderful stitchers will  think so too.
It's Easter Saturday and we have had several hot cross buns baked by DH. He got up yesterday at 5:00am to prepare the dough and put it in the bread maker to be made, then again at 7:00am to form it into round bun shapes and set to prove and then they were ready for the oven. I slept through it all and woke up to the wafting smell of spicy buns, which were 'lush'.
Diet?? Well maybe back to it after the weekend!

Happy Easter All.

Chris xx


  1. Lovely stitching! I love the delicate look of the Delft china.

  2. A Blessed Easter to you both!

  3. Ooh those hot cross buns look tempting! Very nice. I love your stitching and it looks like a pretty stitch for Spring. Happy Easter!

  4. Great progress! You're getting there and it will look fantastic when finished.

  5. Beautiful progress on the stitching! And yummy pastries. :)

  6. Great progress on your YOTA piece. Wow those hot cross buns look lovely. Hope you have a lovely Easter.

  7. Wonderful progress on such a pretty piece Chris.


  8. Oooo, home made hot cross buns! We've been eating Mr Asda's for weeks now, I really love them.

    Great progress on your stitching too.

  9. Those hot cross buns look lovely. This is the first year in ages that I haven't eaten one as I have started back at Slimming World and trying to stay in the zone. Your stitching is coming on a treat.

  10. This project is progressing nicely. Lucky you having home-made hot cross buns. Yummy!

  11. I think your stitching looks great and your buns look yummy!

  12. Lovely stitching! Scrumptious goodies!

  13. Well done hubby.... fantastic looking hot cross buns.
    This project is so bright and colourful, no wonder you want to continue stitching on it Chris.

  14. Hi Chris,your stitchery looks better and better every time I see it,just perfection.I hope you had a fun Easter,we went away for a few days it was lovely.Speak soon,take


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